Archives For funny captions

Silent Cinema Redux

January 27, 2010 — Leave a comment

I just ran into an interesting project from TheAuteurs.

Taking footage from early cinema and silent films, SILENT CINEMA REDUX invites musicians to create new soundtracks and audio-visual remixes: recorded live and on the fly with minimal post-production work, each group, band or solo artist will perform a 5-20 minute piece with their film projected behind them.

sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Anyway, I read some of the people were thinking of working with The Birth of a Nation, I wonder what music they will use for this redux… I’m looking forward to it!

Anyway, if you are interested in participating, head over here.

Goodbye, Sholly!

March 9, 2009 — 5 Comments

It was sort of nice meeting you.

Spoilers did their work on just not hyping it up, but still the final episode was pretty bleh. And Sholly… Sholly has been forever tainted with Jenny’s *disease* LOL. I blame it all on the rumor of Hollywood Ebola. HAHAHA, ‘coz Julz knows that Hollywood Ebola’s disease is so powerful, that even a rumor can infect you.

Anyway, as a goodbye to Sholly, I did a little funny.
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LOL. So the last episode of Last Friends was out last thrusday. Did you watch it? I hope you did, coz I might be spoiling some of it on this post.

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I just had a ~~terrible~~ vision. I got infected! The horror!! And because I was lazy, I used the same protest photograph for my Sholly protest, but whatever~~ Here it is:

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Okay, anyone actually following posts up-close would have already noticed a trend of The L Word, Marlee Matlin (teehee) and Shane/Molly related posts. So I’m on my obsessive phase on those posts, just as I was obsessed about six months ago with Celtic Woman, and awesomeness Meav (Ni Mhaolchatha, for those of you not knowing)… Okay, I listened to some Celtic Woman last night, but it certainly isn’t bordering on obsessiveness, like it used to. Trust.

Anyway, following on my current trend. Fans of Sholly, Shane and Molly have got a new home…
*goes Wizard of Oz, Follow the Yellow Brick Road*

Follow the really big link,
Follow the really big link,
Follow, follow, follow,
Follow the really big link!


So if you’re a fan of the couple, give it a visit… introduce yourself, and share your love for Sholly. I have also added them on the Links Section, so check it out.


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