Yu Aoi – Uso. 3D Exhibit Flickr Picspam

July 17, 2010 — 5 Comments

Well, I was surfing through Flickr Yu tags, and ended up with a bunch of people who have attended Yu’s 3D Exhibit — someone, namely me is very jealous — ;P

Credits and big thank you’s (and evil eyes~~~ xD) go to inucara, and himohu.

It looks like loads of ads for Raiou, Uso., and maybe even Yogashiten Coin de Rue?

YAY, OK Photos x)

LOL, she’s even pimping Kirin Afternoon Tea. With CMs and all~

Look, himohu even has a set.

5 responses to Yu Aoi – Uso. 3D Exhibit Flickr Picspam

  1. Por un momento pensé que era tu dormitorio convertido a iglesia de Yu Aoi.

  2. I tried looking at these photos with my 3D glasses, and only one really works – the one that's shot pretty much face on. there was another photo where I was scrolling through and I though "hmm, that one looks pretty 3D" but then I took my glasses off and saw it was a normal photo. Hmph.

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  1. Yu Aoi Updated Wiki Entry #2 | personal.amy-wong.com - A Blog by Amy Wong. - May 16, 2013

    […] She followed that with the announcement of the film Yogashiten Coin de Rue, which was released on February 2011. In the meantime, Aoi did the U-Can commercials which came with a 11min. short film, Sute Neko OL, and decided to release her pop-up book Uso. alongside 3D exhibits in Shibuya and Nagoya. […]

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