I “Kick like a Girl” Too!


Kick like a Girl is a 30-min HBO documentary of a team of girls that play (NOT soccer) football that totally creamed the boys in a match… or something.

Back in my school days… I played football. I think I rocked it~~~ as a hobby of course. Back then, girls didn’t rock like this. I wish I had a girls football team T.T

When I was 10-ish, there was a school match… between girls, but I’m pretty sure I was the only one taking it ‘seriously’. I even had my friends over for a practice. You know, I used to play with my cousins… one of those things you do when all your cousins are guys you see~~~

Best in the trailer? The boy admitting getting creamed (in the field) by a girl. And the girl saying “I’m not going to be one of the girly girls, who put on lipgloss everyday, dresses in tutus and goes to ballet.”

Yu Aoi - Kid

What’s wrong with tutus and ballet?

You know… you can still end up like this~

Yu Aoi - Travel Sand

Just in case you don’t know, that’s the same person. ;)

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