Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce: I Apologize for Having a Job

You tell them, Janeane.

I’m totally not the demographic for Bravo, but here goes Janeane Garofalo telling it like it is- like my mom told my school 20 years ago when they “required’ her to do parenting lessons for my catechesis. I’m totally bummed she’s no longer on the show.


I apologize for having a job. I’m sorry I make a substantial income to pay for your green-grocer small-batched locally-sourced farm-to-table ethically-butchered hormone-free gluten-intolerant bills, but- here’s the thing; I don’t work, my kids don’t go to school. So if you wanna call and tell me tuition is free, I’d be happy to be here for Story Time, and Arbor Day, and kids court, and snack bar, and talent night, and the Nose-Picking Olympics, and every other bullshit holiday that costs me a fortune. But if you’re not gonna tell me it’s free, then I gotta work, ‘coz I’m a working mother… with a boatload of mouths to feed.

Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce 1×03 – Rule #47: Always Take Advantage of “Me” Time

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