10 Years After As If

January 23, 2015 — Leave a comment


Oh, man. I remember when I used to diligently run the As If fanlisting. Hadn’t even bothered to check on it for the past 5 years, so just deleted the whole thing because it all broke down. However, Pete brought to my attention a two-part piece that Digital Spy has run for the 10th anniversary of the show’s final episode- in their “retro” section nonetheless.

It’s a lovely catch up piece, and it just basically crushes what people had -somehow- hoped for~ a DVD release. Music licensing is just too damn expensive, and the show just relies too heavily on its music. Very much like the Popular conundrum. It’s a good read, catching up with almost everyone. I always giggle (and get giddy) when I spot anyone from the cast in other projects I’m watching.

I *cough* caught the show a very very VERY long time ago. *cough* You know where.

Oh, man. Sooz was my life.

The bad thing is that the show is not readily available… the good thing is that only the really cool people know it. xD

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