I have to admit… I’m a little disappointed. Be it choice of script or choice of character — I’m choosing this as punishment from Itoh Company for Yu-chan choosing to cut her hair. LOL I’m uncertain about her hair, it looks real, but at the same time I’m unable to make a clear timeline. Maybe she shot this BEFORE she cut her hair. I would have liked her present-day character to be portrayed with her short hair, and a lot more different.
Surprisingly enough (even though that capture is totally HER), this 2-part TV movie has one advancement in Yu’s acting- LINGERING KISS. We had seen pecks, we’d seen implied sex (as well as implied fake rape), non-explicit naked torso with implied sex scene and kiss (Raiou was landmark), but this is the first time in my memory I’ve seen her kissing someone and have it last more than a quick shot, and actually see their faces moving on each other. I thought it was awkward, but the WHOLE jdrama was awkward.
And since I doubt I’ll ever re-watch this EVER again. Captures!