Bibi takes on Bruno Mars’ The Lazy Song


I knew Bibi could do impersonations, but this is too much. Positively good and quite hilarious. I’m not a very huge Bruno Mars fan, I think he’s composition (especially lyrics-wise) and performance in general could improve, but I’m not denying him some merits. His singles are pleasantly catchy.

I’m a huge Bibi fan, but I’ve often talked about what I think her performances are lacking. So as the years have gone by, I think this is the first year that I’ve seen her completely comfortable performing live. Those hints of awkwardness are gone giving way to something in her eyes, something within her that makes her at ease on stage.

Like she’s allowed to be silly on stage without worries.

Dude, she did a little number on Beyonce’s Single Ladies [1], Lady Gaga’s Born this Way [1], and I can’t mention enough how she killed it when she did that Aaron Kwok number [1].

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I’m a loving this Bibi.

— EDIT —

YouTube version has just made its appearance.

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