This is the year to “unfriend”

November 17, 2009 — Leave a comment

We usually butcher language in this place, combining words from different languages, inventing verbs [check RASUTO FURENZING, Bibifying] and adjectives [check Bibified], but we do care about language… considering everyone seems to butcher language.

According to the Oxford New American Dictionary, “unfriend” is the top word of 2009.

This was also interesting;

Dictionary officials said twitterisms comprised a “notable word cluster” in 2009, including the following terms related to the social network: tweeps, tweetup, twitt, twitterati, twitterature, twitterverse/sphere, retweet, twibe, sweeple,tweepish, tweetaholic, twittermob, and twitterhea.

Also, I didn’t see the big deal about the Whopper Sacrifice promo. People DO have friends that are useless. Like people with over 1k contacts… and they only speak with only 10 LOL

Too many words to learn xD One of them is “tramp stamp,” a tattoo on the lower back, usually on a woman – now, I wonder how many women I know with those. Very telling, very telling. xP

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