I have never liked my handwriting, in the history of my handwriting… NEVER EVER liked it. I don’t usually write much anymore… other than the usual post-it (and post-it writing is always crappier than usual) or some notes. I seriously can’t tell when I last wrote something on paper… maybe Julyssa’s letter last last week? But then, she can probably tell you how crappy it is… and my Kanji… no comments. xD
So tonight, I decided to use the glass calligraphy pen (aka. my glass pluma) that Diana gave to me from her trip. ^^ – Gosh, you wouldn’t believe how hard I tried. xD

In case you can’t understand my handwriting – “Hi, Diana! I wrote this with the pen you gave me. My hand-writing sucks BIG time. Sorry~ Amy Wong”
are u fishing for compliments?
ha! no, total opposite in fact. you should say… “yes, amy’s handwriting IS pretty crappy.”
actually your handwriting is very similar to mine and I think mine rox…..
well, if you mean above… that took from 5-10min at least. Since I wrote the message twice, coz the first one was crappier xD
If you mean the letter I sent you? that’s my regular scribbling T_T so I doubt it looks like yours.