Jul 15

The Harmony Evil Kiss

I know this is wrong.

SOOOOOO wrong, but all this Harry Potter talk has stirred my Shipper brain which had been laying dormant since… the better part of the Order of the Phoenix movie and the release of the last book.

I suffered so much with the last book, it felt like being mocked. Especially in the Evil Kiss part, it felt like tainting all those hours reading those long and thought out essays. It was like all those who supported Harry/Hermione were… well, evil. LOL We were like the Horcrux, tainting a pure friendship with those dark bits in the Evil Kiss.

I’ve made peace with that, in my own way.

I am even considering completing my Harry Potter DVD collection. Yes, I am THAT healed now. LOL

Anyway, this weekend is Harry Potter weekend, everything on the web will mostly be about the last film. I saw it on Wednesday morning, and like I said on my review — it was better than I expected, but it also confirmed my fears that there just wasn’t enough to fill a film.

After seeing the film and having to endure all those Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny moments… I was just really surprised how not so awful they were. But maybe that’s me not being such a hardcore fan anymore. Harry/Ginny are still roll-your-eyes worthy because they’re so bad together… but at least not gag-worthy like in the book.

It also makes me feel a little bit bad for the Ron/Hermione supporters when their couple is played mostly for laughs. Their kiss… was barely a kiss, and they were all left with a lot of hand-holding.

The Evil Kiss, however, made me feel uncomfortable for the right reasons. It was supposed to be awkward to makes us feel like Ron, but it has this aggressive quality (and all that nakedness) that is totally worth the PG-13 rating LOL. My Harmony heart, as I wear my old Death Eater t-shirt, kinda likes it now.

4 responses to The Harmony Evil Kiss

  1. pls tell me that gif is fake, that’s not what they showed in the movie right?

    • @Julili, they were very naked. Emma went for the full-on horny kiss. Coz that’s evil. LOL And she was supporting Ron/Hermione – yeahhhhhh, rightttttt~ xD

  2. I just saw it… WTF ARE THEY NAKED?

    • @Julili, straight out of the horniest of fanfiction. LOL

      I’m telling you, Deathly Hallows is probably very weak because JK spent her year reading fanfiction. LOL

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