Grammy 2009 Winners

February 8, 2009 — 4 Comments

Did you watch the Grammy tonight? I mean, not like I had a choice to watch BAFTAs instead, but I did watch the Grammy on an off, while having dinner and chatting on MSN.

Woooooo! I actually rock~ lol, my wishlist of winners wasn’t too far off on the General Field categories. Quickie predictions weren’t that bad~~

My only pet-peeve miss was Coldplay winning Song of the Year, instead of Adele. I mean, DUH! Adele with Sugarland was pretty amazing, I must confess that I never really paid any attention to Sugarland (I saw them on some Billboard award, so I didn’t think anything of them) – but they were GOOD.

Coldplay also did a better performance than I expected, since they were doing a bit of a crappy job on live performances. Must be the mic, I tell ya. Radiohead also did pretty good~~

Miley with Taylor Swift? Like ZOMG! Miley totally made herself looked SO AWFUL next to Swift. Swift is 19, looks younger, writes and sings better. Miley is 16, looks 25 and sings like she smokes a packet a day. That’s all I have to say. And… Jonas Brothers? Aren’t two of them like in their early 20s? Shouldn’t they have changed their voices by now?

Adele won 2!!! As Sugarland did… Alisson Krauss with Robert Plant won 5 – including Record of the Year and Album of the Year.

All the LONG list of winners, here.

4 responses to Grammy 2009 Winners

  1. I hate the “Viva La Vida” song, it doesn’t seem good to me, but lots of people jack off to this song for some reason.

    How the hell did Lil Wayne get nominated for Album Of The Year? I know the Grammy always has at least a no-talent hack per year there, but Lil Wayne, wtf?

    I’m glad to hear that “I Kissed A Girl” from Katy Perry lost. The way the song sounds is so horrible and annoying. It’s okay to ban the n-word, but that excrement of a song doesn’t get banned?

  2. Actually, Lil Wayne was the most nominated that night.

    Viva la Vida isn’t so bad, but isn’t as good as everyone makes it sound. I would literally prefer Sigur Ros with Gobbledygook, which is in fact good.

    No comments on Katy Perry. LOL

  3. I shall not hear any word against Viva La Vida..

    lol…..and to make good on my threat i will post the whole lyrics here.


  4. haha. Oh, Mob~ such a sore loser you are. I’m surprised you didn’t rambled about BAFTA winners on the previous post.

    I mean, TDK most (if not all) technical awards. And by the way, your Road to Oscar work is pitiful. LOL

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