Anomalous Material’s Top25s
Anomalous Material is taking some time to list their Top25 Actors and Top25 Actresses under 35. We don’t know how often they will make the postings, so you’ll have to keep an eye on them ;P
In the meantime~~~
and as a bonus, Top 35 Acting Performances of the Decade ;P
And just to refresh your memory, I also did my lists… but since I’m so picky on being precise~~~ my lists have unconventional long names like 20 Actors Between 20-25 to Watch until They’re 30, and 20 Actors Between 25-30 to Watch until They’re 35.
Let’s hope we have cross-over picks xD we already do.
Thanks for the link love Amy, you are the best! ;)
no probs, castor ;P
looking forward to the list.