LivingSocial Albums~

November 21, 2010 — 1 Comment

Previously known as TuneSocial? xD

Recently listened to~~~

Divided on whether or not buy the Monkey Majik Best collection because the album doesn’t have the oh-so-sweet Forever version with the kiddos and the old people. As if I could hate rainbows and puppies!

Then there’s Mavis Fan 1999 album, I Want Us to Be Together – so SO freaking-tastic. Frak! This type of albums is what makes me wish I could understand Mandarin, and makes Chinese music all sorts of awesome.

I’m trying to break into the Top200 Music Buffs, but it seems impossible~~~

what I gotta do is crack the Top10 Contributors xD That seems easier, right? All I need to do is input all the Asian albums that I’m listening to. Especially the Chinese ones… and some Koreans. There’s only Amazon JP – so Japan music is pretty much covered. Though their search option is really REALLY crappy with non-Roman alphabets.

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  1. V Live + Showcases and Fandom Interaction | - A Blog by Amy Wong. - November 19, 2016

    […] longer have music sites, and Living Social FB apps have long […]

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