Black Swan Limited Edition Posters

October 16, 2010 — 6 Comments

These are gorgeousity~~~ xD

They remind me of old school Russian/German posters they used to do back in the day~~~

via Empire Online.

6 responses to Black Swan Limited Edition Posters

  1. Great looking posters! It's so rare not to have floating heads posters anymore :)

  2. I know Aronofsky isn't for everyone, but when you include the cast one has to admit being intrigued by this film. I'm certainly excited.

  3. I'm really looking forward to seeing Black Swan. These are some stunning looking posters. If the film is half as good as these it'l be something special. I loved The Wrestler.

    • I liked The Wrestler fine, I'm one of those that liked The Fountain xD and Requiem for a Dream. Requiem left me… it's just so messed up.

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