I recently bought myself a bluray copy of the Mayday 3DNA film/concert, which I didn’t love at first. But Mayday was my dad’s last favorite band, and I found that he had been carrying Mayday’s music on his phone and on a USB drive, alongside a copy of the movie; so now it just brings memories of him to me.

I remember I re-watched the movie on his first commemorative month, and I cried a bit with the whole Lam Suet is a dad LOL but I just truly lost it with the storyline of the brother and sister. On last night’s rewatch, however, it was all tears when listening Ashin singing during the concert. Even during Liang Ai-I-N-G (戀愛ING) [MV] LOL I need the subtitles, though.
so I’m all like~ Huh… this movie is not that bad. I still think the ending feels very forced with the stealing (WHY couldn’t they all go to the concert, yo!). But feelings nonetheless~ I miss my dad, but specially yesterday. And it wasn’t even any special day… just one of those blue ones.