Harry Potter Covers for Classic Penguin?

November 21, 2009 — 1 Comment

Most people know I’ve cut most (if not all) my ties with Harry Potter fandom — thank Kamisama! Where would my life be otherwise? — Anyway, I ran into these covers re-designed to look like Classic Penguin Books. These are oh so pretty!

1_the philosophers stone-mscorley

2_the chamber of secrets-mscorley

3_the prisoner of azkaban-mscorley

4_the goblet of fire-mscorley

5_the order of the phoenix-mscorley

Because to me, there are only 5 books.
Check the bigger versions of all the books over a M.S. Corley’s blog.

One response to Harry Potter Covers for Classic Penguin?

  1. Woah! Those are pretty! I might get them cus I am a collector of penguins books. I have all of Jane Austen and the Brönte sisters from the penguin collection!

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