Down the Idol-hole~~~

October 26, 2009 — 5 Comments

On the topic of Julz’ last YAM feature about fans and fandoms and the whole idol deal, I saw Julie & Julia this afternoon. It’s been ages since I’ve been to the cinema. First, let me say~~~ Meryl Streep is LURV as Julia Child. I totally cracked up each time she was on screen. I didn’t really care much for Amy Adam’s character, but Adams was lovable.

In the movie, Julie is sort of a very big fan of Julia Child, which reminded me of Julz’ article. She sets out to make all of Child’s recipes in the period of a year, and by the end of the film you see her confronting the idea of her idolized Julia Child version to the real life Julia Child, when she finally says “I don’t ever wanna meet her.” LOL

Wonder how many fans have reached that idea.

5 responses to Down the Idol-hole~~~

  1. Aw LOL!
    I know of some people that hate the thought of meeting their idols. Many say “imagine my disappointment if the person turns out to be bland”

  2. xD
    dude, where you’ve been?

  3. working and studying, missing my comments?

  4. of course, hon. xD
    how are classes? how’s the Jap?

  5. I am so far behind in my jap studies that it is not funny! I must cram or die this weekend! Besides that, all is very good!

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