You know what I love more than the smell of victory? The smell of loser’s defeat.
sueCsit@sueCsit yeah, hon. thank you.
I just got my feet unwebbed!
marycherry@marycherry I shoulda picked the other one when I had the chance.
mamacherry@mamacherry oh, mama~ I love ya. Let’s go hunting for baby seals!
Come over here to get some frottage!
apriltuna@apriltuna meet you at the janitor’s closet.
get them all?
Sue Sylvester’s Twitter~
“Sue Sylvester just walked past a mirror and briefly fell in love with herself. Gotta look into this cloning thing.”
“Hey next-door neighbors! Just poured bleach on your lawn. Don’t want it to happen again? GET THAT DOG’S VOCAL CHORDS REMOVED. I asked nicely”
“Contracted a wicked case of H1N1. You know how I’m going to fight it? Willpower.”
“Health insurance is for the weak. I perform all my own medical procedures.”
Aww, Kurt!
Dear, Kurt~ (lol)
FYI, Hanson never went away.