Archives For November 2008

Just Felt like Blogging…

November 2, 2008 — 1 Comment

about nothing in particular. I might be attending to a few events to this year’s Semana Cultural del Japon (Japanese Cultural Week) – so might get photos.

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Heh… it’s only 2 weeks since last movie watching update, but I’ve been messing around with my Flixster, so better keep track here…

Oh, forgive… I’ve been a bad movie watcher last month. LOL You will notice~

Here’s what I’ve been watching…

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What to Watch…

November 1, 2008 — 1 Comment

If you’ve got Cable Magico, that is… though I am pretty sure I’m double-checking times, don’t hold a grudge if I get a wrong date… blame the cable magazine~~

Some of them I’ve seen actually… but it is to be note off~~~ INTERN ACADEMY. xD Not sure how that film will be, but it has none other than Carly Pope in the cast, so worth checking out for me. LOL’

November… again?

November 1, 2008 — Leave a comment

Wow, time flies! Really does… anyway, this month I was checking out some films on cable, and was interested in watching a few so I made a list. Yes, because I’m a geek… and there’s plenty of films, so I didn’t wanna miss one by overlapping them. Anyway, Little Fish was supposed to be on HBO tonight at 12.25am, and as you can see it’s 1am and it’s not on, so I went to the HBO Latin America site to check that out. Surprise!

Cable Magico - Horario Equivocado

As you can see… the HBO site (Peru schedule) has The Others listed as ‘now playing’ while there’s still 1.30hr for Little Fish, meaning it will be playing at 2.35am or so instead of 12.25am like the Cable Magico site and magazine say~~ which begs the question~ will the other films also be at other times?