The Green Hornet Trailer

Oh, Jay~
Why did you have to open your mouth and talk. LOL

You look cool doing your kicking, but all your dialog didn’t do it for me. Having said that… I do find Seth Rogen slimness, kind of unsettling because during the first frames, there was some quiver… then he spoke and it was gone. Phew.

But this is Michel Gondry, right? So I’m still watching it.

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

BTW, I hate the way they say “KAY-TOH” UGH. Never heard the English audio for The Green Hornet, so I actually grew up with how normal people say Kato. xD

2 responses to The Green Hornet Trailer

  1. Hey! Sorry if this is off-topic, but you don't seem to have a contact page!

    I love your site, especially the look of it. I'm from the, another independent entertainment blog, I'd love to do some collaborative work sometime!

  2. Just curious…how do normal people say Kato?

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