Interscope’s Brand New Website, Labels, and More

October 12, 2012 — Leave a comment

Interscope has a new website!

interscope new label website 001

I gotta admit, it’s a good looking one… but it reminded me that I haven’t actually visited a label’s website in ages — it was probably since the early millennium and I used to visit the Jive Records website — swallowed whole by RCA and, hence, Sony. And I’m the one not idol crazy — I really can’t imagine not googling and artist page first before having to visit the labels’ websites — I can’t imagine fans of Lady Gaga or Eminem visiting Interscope instead of their artist’s site.

The type of people I would imagine visiting Interscope (or any other label’s site) are people looking to get their name and demo out there, young artists eager to get their stuff heard by an executive. This is the reason why I kinda like the idea that they have a “Download of the Week” section, even though it asks you to login — so they want to know you — before you download anything for free. It works out more or less how iTunes free downloads work- you need to have an account (and working credit card of your region) to get the free track of that region. They are, at least, hinting to wanting to bring people into their website URL… because, well, they’re paying for the URL- they might as well use it.

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The good or bad thing about the Interscope website, though, is that all its content comes from elsewhere. It’s fine to have everything from Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, external websites, etc. all in one place – but as you can see, automated postings from social media gets repeated content whether you like it or not. It’s efficient and lazy, all at the same time. I’m still trying to weight the pros and cons of websites working with social media outlets — especially considering the microblogging capabilities of places like Facebook or Weibo. In fact, I think many Chinese websites and entities have ditched their websites in favor of keeping a microblogging brand.

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