Numerology is scary stuff~

July 12, 2012 — Leave a comment

This week has been hell. You have no idea about the things that’s been happening around… and the scary thing is that all the stuff has had to do with the number 4.

As you may or not know [1][2], for the past couple of years… the number 4 has been my super unlucky number. I don’t know if it’s superstition and that gets me really bad vibes, but bad things happen to me when I see too many number 4s. It started a couple of years ago, right around the time when this bad thing came into our life that I began noticing number 4, coincidentally.

I would normally be working on the computer like I always do, or maybe go warm something up in the microwave — I don’t think I ever took noticed, but a couple of years ago, I did. And I was surrounded by 4s… multiple 4s all around me. Whenever I saw a watch or a clock, it would be either 4am, 4.44am (THE WORSE), or maybe it would be 4pm, but my experience was almost always at night time.

Maybe I would be zapping channels and just at 4am, I would go over channel 44 just by chance. I would get a file that would be 44Kb or maybe even worse…. 444Kb or 4.44Mb. A song that would last 4.44min or an image file that would turn 444px wide. Small things like that~

I never really took it as anything important… it might have just been coincidence and my brain freaking me out. But, really, a REALLY BAD THING came into our lives when this began happening to me. And like I told you, this week was hell for me. And I just noticed a brand new 4 that matches with the timeline when things went down hill this week. My posting number. I’m on my way to hitting my proper 444 post on the magazine… but before the weekend began, I hit my 44th page of posts. Sh!t hit the fan this weekend.

I need to write 6 posts so I can get passed that 44th page. SOON.

You can’t sh!t around numerology. This thing is dead serious.

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