Come On! Bay Bay! – All I Like Is You (But You Don’t Know)

I love happy Taiwanese music.

This time around comes from Come On! Bay Bay! (來吧! 焙焙!) and this 2009 song, All I Like Is You (But You Don’t Know) (全世界我最喜歡你 (可是你都不知道)). Super cute love song!

2 responses to Come On! Bay Bay! – All I Like Is You (But You Don’t Know)

  1. Since I noticed that you like languages I will continue in Swedish, so that you get the chance to learn :)

    Fantastisk sÃ¥ng! Hittade den pÃ¥ youtube av en slump och googlade sen vidare. Förstod ingenting av det jag hittade pÃ¥ nätet – allt var pÃ¥ kinesiska. Det enda engelska jag hittade var ditt blogginlägg. Vad är det för band? Har de nÃ¥gra album?

    Tell me more, tell me more!

    Pontus – Svensk – I Wien Österrike…..

    • That’s a good way to make me practice my Swedish ;P

      Let’s see~

      They are signed to 彎的音樂 Wonder Music, and yes! They do have two albums out. The first one released in 2010, titled 無所畏懼與寬容 (something like “fearlessly and forgiving”) which contains this song. And you can get it on YesAsia.

      Their second album, titled 真實的印象 (something like Real Impression), which is ready for pre-order because it comes out on July 13!

      You can stream their stuff on Xiami before buying :)

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