Me in Red~ Jumping, and Bumping my Knee


Yes, I hurt my knee doing this, but still~~ was kinda fun. What you think?

I also need to get a remote control for my Nikon D70s, anyone has any good suggestion as to what I should get? It’s hard figuring out when the timer will go off, jump and get a good shot… also, going back and forth from camera to spot to jump – so NOT FUN.

Comment me here, xD

3 responses to Me in Red~ Jumping, and Bumping my Knee

  1. I like your pants!

  2. well, thank you, Julz~~

    cheap cheap pants, actually. like $15 xD

    I have a question for you, how do I keep a smiling face when I have to jump while concentrating on jumping at the exact second to be captured by the camera? Coz I hate my face in this photo xD

    Plus, without the floor and ceiling of the original photo, I totally look lying on all the red, right? Hahaha

  3. no cus your shadow is off so u get the sense that u are not lying down.

    As to smile while u try to jump at the right time…. as Tyra would say, is all about making it work! LOL

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