Bob the Wobble Clock, and Other Nifty Stuff I’ve Bought

July 20, 2008 — Leave a comment

I always browse around the web, and I’ve bought some niftyness over the past years. Today I met up with Diana, who gave me a belated b-day. Even more belated than Julyssa’s Greta Garbo Book. And YAY!

Dianisha gave Amy a belated b-day clock. His name is Bob… 5-in-1 wobble clock. Yes, it wobbles! Cutest thing ever… it tells you the time with a blue LED, the temperature, the date, it has an alarm and even a timer – all the functions have different colored-LED.

Bob 5-in-1 wobble clock

Bob & friends~

Bob has now joined his desk-friends, Sleepy Johnny (Ok, that’s not his original name, but I’ll name him Johnny), Sam & Pedro Salt&Pepper, and Aquarius the Dog who always sits on top of the Rubik’s Cube. Most of them where given by DIanisha, except for Aquarius the Dog who was a key chain gift from JK…. and the Rubik’s Cube which was a gift from Irene. The cube used to sit on its pretty box, until the day I saw The Pursuit of Happiness and decided I wanted to play with my cube… and I’m still playing.

And months ago, I didn’t blog… but I got my mom a Pentel Brush Pen for her Chinese calligraphy, and an Eggling Cactus ‘coz she loves them cactus~~~

Pentel Brush Pen


I got my dad Vintage Records Coasters, and I dunno if he’s using them or no… but they looked pretty nifty. He’s probably showing off with them, LOL.

Vintage Record Coasters

And I got myself a Sun Jar, which I use at night. A bit of a problem to charge because it needs direct sunlight. I know, I tried charging the jar through a window… it barely worked. But it’s nifty, and wish I could get me the Moon Jar… but the Sun will do~~

Sun Jar

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