How rocking is Tilda Swinton?? Very rocking indeed!
Apparently, she will begin a film fest of her own called The Ballerina Ballroom Cinema of Dreams, in her hometown of Nairn in Scotland. No biggies, no red carpet madness… just love for movies. Best part of it? Tickets for the films (apparently Tilda’s favorites, and some others) will be £3 (GBP) or… baked goodies (yes, baked goodies… yum), meaning home-made cookies, home-made cupcakes or anything home-made stuff u can come up with, I suppose. Hmm… home-made cupcakes~~~ my aunt should send her some. Tilda would love. xD
Yes, I had the best banana cake-yness just two days ago. My aunt makes the best home-made baked goodies.
Festival will run from August 15 to August 23, and you don’t have to worry about uncomfortable seats because apparently Tilda will be using beanbags. I hope they’re not like my cousin’s beanbag… because there are nice beanbags, but my cousin’s is not one of them~~