Close the Door!

June 23, 2008 — 1 Comment

When I used to be in my old room (2nd largest room in the apartment, now I’ve got the biggest room), my bed was positioned right in front of the mirror-closet-door, so when I went to bed all my body was reflected at me. One afternoon, my mom decided to move my  bed around because according to Feng Shui, that sucked your energy or your soul – LOL, I don’t really remember at this point, and since my mother is so bad at quoting stuff, I can’t really look for it either – or something like that, so she put my headrest towards the back of the room, almost facing the door. Then she told me that this was a bad position too because my headrest shouldn’t be against a wall of a bathroom, because that would mean all my good vibes would go down the toilet (drain)… but since the building my family lives in is badly structure, we have to make sacrifices. So my mother decided to sacrifice my good vibes to save my soul/energy. LOL

At the moment, that room is now desoccupied. Am now in the master bedroom because I’ve got big stuff… and this bedroom has the master bathroom (and my headrest doesn’t face a bathroom-wall), but my mom and I fight for the bathroom, even though there’s another bathroom nearest her bedroom. x’D

So I am usually in my room with my door closed. I work here, and do all my bidding in my bedroom so I find having my door closed gives me ‘office’ space LOL. Plus, I like working with loud music so having the door closed mutes the music just a bit. However, sometimes I keep the door open, maybe because I’m just too focus on a task or whatever… Anyway, I was talking to my friend tonight, and told her how much I loved Lightroom at the moment. I asked her if she wanted me to work on her pictures, and she accepted, so I began going through my archived dvds to find the files……….

I had kept my door opened because my mother was using the bathroom, and I began looking. Looking, looking… through years of archived files because neither me or my friend could remember when we took the photos. I literally spent 3hr + going through DVDs and CDs, and nothing… until I got up to get clean clothing for a bath and CLOSED the door. As soon as I closed the door, I found the first set of photos. LOL’

I haven’t began looking for the 2nd set yet, but I was really freaked out by the idea that closing the door might be just me keeping my ‘good vibes’ within my surroundings. I certainly like closing doors where I live… I thought it was maybe each room has its certain smell, so I don’t like the smell of the master bathroom creeping up in my room, or the smell of the kitchen near my door. Maybe I’m just paranoic, ha!

One response to Close the Door!

  1. HAHAHA amy was feng shuied…loved yuour mum’s argument. Reminds me of laineys mom…..

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