Taking the Leap

December 10, 2008 — 2 Comments

So I asked my friend Jose (no, forget the joSE… say like JOse… lol) and he said okay, so I am sharing.

One day, I was doing whatever I do at 3AM, and came up with a song that I titled Taking the Leap. No, I am not suicidal… Anyway, I liked how it turned out in my mind, but I’m musically talent-less, so I sent it to Jose, and he work with his music sutff that he does.

We are not PRO, obviously… we don’t have fancy software… just some freeware called Audacity, and some crappy web-mics recording in mono. Care to listen to it? MP3 listening, lyrics and download after the break.

Taking the Leap Demo

  1. Taking the Leap
  2. Taking the Leap [instrumental]
  3. Untitled [bonus]

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

[download .zip]

Taking the Leap

How many forms can indecision take,
when I’m standing at the edge of the world
And flashes of you make my mind flake.
What are the words you gave me for,
But to only remind me of what’s at stake.

And your love burns inside,
And you’re driving me mad
As the slow-passing time
Keeps me from the crime
Of taking the leap…

2 responses to Taking the Leap

  1. crappy sound but i preferred when u sang it loca! Love the guitar though! One step to becoming a song writer eh?
    But were is the rest of the song?

  2. i actually think it works as a +1min song. =D

    maybe i can create like a bunch of songs telling a story… yeah, that I might do. haha

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