FiftyThree: Pencil | Think with your Hands


This is a thing of beauty. Too bad I don’t use iPads… and I don’t know any of my friends who use them, except for my aunties. And for a possible new option, I was looking at the Nokia phones, but someone told me Samsung’s are resilient. Survived a massive rain, they said. Not that it rains much down here.

FiftyThree has designed this stylus pencil [that comes in walnut and graphite] that is actually pretty cheap. Between the prices of $60-$50 USD. It’s good for sketching, outlining, writing, coloring and blending- it does seem to do basically the same as a Galaxy Note, which my cousin (and a friend) loves to use, but I guess the iPad gives you greater space to work. Plus, I suppose the stylus would be more sensitive, or am I wrong?

Check out the video.

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