I have a really special and complicated relationship with Britney Spears. Despite my moving on from fandom in the early millennium, I think… deep in my heart (I know it’s only you, xD) – deep in my heart there’s always going to be a soft spot for Britney. The one side of me that’s always going to get happy when something good happens to her, and the side of me that gets preoccupied when something bad happens.
I think in terms of ‘true’ Britney fans — you can recognize them by how much they love her ballads. Because Britney is not necessarily famous for her powerful vocals, but her long-time fans love Britney and actually miss her ballads — I actually love I Will Be There with those lyrics of… “when you’re feeling low, baby, let me know… and I will be there.”
Then there\s Girl in the Mirror — she must’ve sung that song when she was 19 or 20 years old… but there’s an unequivocal innocent… almost too naive character to the song. It’s the kind of inner drama that 15 year old girls used to listen to and have ultimately stopped.
Despite of the technical qualities of this fan video, it’s a very VERY sad and emotional clip. Especially with its beginning with a very young Britney and showing all those clips. It just… it almost breaks my heart… as if I had forsaken her.
Time will take us apart, but I will still love you. I promise.