General Knowlegde: Is there tasteful porn?

July 16, 2011 — Leave a comment

Note: I tried my best to get a capture where you don’t see much. LOL

I’m not talking about erotic films, or nude art, or real meaningful sex of real couples who love each other caught on tape.

I’m talking about glossy, using lights and filters to make it look more like a music video than actual porn. It also isn’t about a music video with non-explicit nakedness.

In my quick google, I ended up on a Los Angeles Times article titled Feminine Porn Finds a Niche in Marketplace, which I guess… would answer my own question – in terms of plotting that is. But does it look as glossy as the above capture?

I ran into this video titled Just the Two of Us — author or production company unknown — and man, if it wasn’t for some of those shots, the video looks like it could belong on Vimeo instead — it’s got nice lightning, a nice purple-ish tone, nice composition and framing… the song A Constant Reminder by Walter Rodriguez creates a certain mood. Who are Capri & Francesca? I have no idea, but this video seems to be very popular from the results. You can probably watch it with a quick Google.

So now, tell me — is there high quality-looking porn?

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