Let’s see… just saw New York, I Love You.
as far as my expectations, I was disappointed… I did like two of the shorts. I was entertained by Brett Ratner’s segment (Olivia Thirlby and Anton Yelchin), but my favorite has to be Joshua Marston’s segment with Cloris Leachman.
Natalie Portman’s segment was okay… but her acting segment was kind of weak — plus, the bald cap she used (coz that was a bald cap, right?) bothered me a little because we know how her shaved head looks like.
Because I wanted to see something new by Shunji Iwai, I had high expectations and was let down. Nothing really wrong with it. Christina Ricci is okay, and I guess Orlando Bloom is okay… but did it have to be him?
I also got my screener for Precious, which I have seen already… but it’s nice to get to watch it on my DVD player. I’m getting ready to vote for Independet Spirit Awards ^^ Second time around!
Amazon hasn’t published my DVD Review of Linda Linda… why is that? It was a perfectly fine constructive critic that would have made Linda Linda a better release. If they don’t publish it this week, I will publish it here.
I’m almost done re-watching Pushing Daisies…
These are my last DVD buys:
- Pushing Daisies Season 1
- Pushing Daisies Season 2
- The Animatrix
- Linda Linda Linda
- Kamikaze Girls
oh, I forgot to mention I hated the segment with Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson (?).