surprisingly busy weekend…

September 14, 2009 — Leave a comment

no really. still have stuff left to do.

I owe Julz a review back, I have read your thoughts. I just need to give it two or three re-reads more to see what can be improved. At first sight, I like it. =D

Also… need to work on a self-portrait for  tonight, which totally slipped my mind until my friend mentioned it, hahaha. Also!!! More ideas brewing~~~ xD I need to focus on something, but sill dunno what to focus on. Soon though.

And!!! I’ve been invited to blog as a guest. More on that once I focus hahahaha.

I also guest “blog” for Award season xD, and am almost shitting my pants for that “talk” I need to give next month which is approaching incredibly soon.

Will post something else later for post count!

oh! I forgot! Flickr’s got a new feature!!! Gallery curator!! xD
Here’s my Concert Photography Gallery~~~

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