Well, it’s half of 2009 already! CRAP!
Last month I did a 50-post month! One up from the record of 49, LOL.
It’s begun to be a bit chilly on this side of the world, and well… let’s say it’s hard to get out of a warm cozy bed. Also, I will be doing a bit more photographing *crosses fingers* from this point forward. I’m excited about that~
Also, I got bored of my French. *sighs* Marion should really come up with a new French movie, LOL. How do I get out of this business? Or someone please! Begin commenting in some French so I can get into it again…
Also, I still need money. LOL – Oh shit, and I should really call Canada Trust to figure out the business with my credit card. *sighs* things are supposed to be easy when getting your credit card, why does snail mail suck so much?
Also, YAM 004 – it’s coming in some short two-weeks time give or take. This one’s been a tough issue, I need a bump of energy on that too. YAM cannot DIE in just 4 issues. I will make it happen~~~ I just need something to get me by until next award season.