Sholly Shippers, Rejoice Once More!

April 10, 2008 — 3 Comments

Okay, anyone actually following posts up-close would have already noticed a trend of The L Word, Marlee Matlin (teehee) and Shane/Molly related posts. So I’m on my obsessive phase on those posts, just as I was obsessed about six months ago with Celtic Woman, and awesomeness Meav (Ni Mhaolchatha, for those of you not knowing)… Okay, I listened to some Celtic Woman last night, but it certainly isn’t bordering on obsessiveness, like it used to. Trust.

Anyway, following on my current trend. Fans of Sholly, Shane and Molly have got a new home…
*goes Wizard of Oz, Follow the Yellow Brick Road*

Follow the really big link,
Follow the really big link,
Follow, follow, follow,
Follow the really big link!


So if you’re a fan of the couple, give it a visit… introduce yourself, and share your love for Sholly. I have also added them on the Links Section, so check it out.


Continuing with Shollygan’s activities… here are some graphics manipulations of demonstrations pro-sholly! credit to: with link back~~

Gimme Sholly, Ilene!

Gimme Sholly Now, Ilene

3 responses to Sholly Shippers, Rejoice Once More!

  1. Just tried the link above, and it doesn’t work.

    Wonder what happened~~

    If you were looking for Sholly, please feel free to use this space to discuss or let other people know what happened~

  2. I just got the following.

    “My mistake it will be back soon promised just had a lot of job interviews lately….and the site disappeared….”

    So Suzanne’s been busy. In the meantime, get your Sholly fix on the Sholly Blogger site.

  3. Hello Amy Wong,

    it´s Susanne from the Shollygan Blog. I decided to continue it, despiute it beeing over. I am gonna post music videos from tiem to time and reviews of season 5 if I have th time for it. But the blog continues.


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