Amy Wong and the Half-a-Year Disappointment

July 20, 2007 — Leave a comment

Well, what can I say? We are halfway through 2007, and most of it has been filled with loads and loads of disappointments. So here is a look at a few of these… beginning with THIS.

The list begins with Spiderman 3 – quite a disappointment storywise, pitty – as trailers looked so good. Continuing with that, in no particular order, are… 300, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Fantastic 4 2 (although this one, I wasn’t expecting that much) – Harry Potter 5… what a bloody editing mess.

And joining this is… Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I yell, bloody murder! How can you write something so different from all the books… having more plot holes, inconsistencies and plot devices. Maybe I have a problem with having been told that “No one comes back from the death.” or… “no magic can bring the dead back.” Yet we see Harry pulling a Jesus.

And what the fudge is up with “choosing what’s right over what is easy” or the more important “power of love” – beginning the series, we encounter a young boy terribly mistreated by his only family, only to discover he belongs to another world where, hey! people don’t think he’s scum – but he still doesn’t know what it is to be loved… yeah, he was loved by his parents… his mom gave up her life for him – he was Harry, just Harry to them. Yet, he meets all this people that only seem to care for him because he is The-Boy-Who-Lived… even the family of his best friend thinks of him as The-Boy-Who-Lived… his friend wants and asks Harry of his scar, staring at it like it’s a goddamn magical wart.

But there’s this one person that he meets who obviously knows about him, but gives a rat’s ass about his reputation… he notices her, and after a troll-sized rescue, they become friends (alongside the friend who stares). Following that, this friend helps him through and through, giving away truly significant clues and answers to the quest. Who was there when Sirius and Harry were being attacked by the pack of Dementors… who went back on time with Harry to save the day? Who was the one believing Harry in GoF, despite everyone being against him? Who’s Harry’s ‘man’ through and through no matter what??? Heck, who left their parents during Christmas because Harry was brooding, and no one dared to go around him? Who went with Harry to the DoM even when she knew it might be a trap?

While reading the books, I saw what was in front of me – yet I truly believed that someone could write such a marvelous piece of fiction so intricate and elaborated that you could layer and layer of depth. Guess everything that was thought out to be pure genius, was merely just a happy accident that the author didn’t even realize… and never truly grasp.

So, okay… this was a sidetrack. But seriously, none of the information given in previous books was remotely used in the last two books. These two books can easily be stand-alone books… so there’s a disconnection. But, fuck whatever. This is done.

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