Abusive Relationships with Pop Culture?

April 16, 2010 — 1 Comment

Would you recognize the symptoms on you?

You probably do.

You know how it feels when they build it up with trailers and promotional images. Little mentions on forums, and ripped videos on YouTube. Obviously, from there you could go to completely hating it or falling in love with it.

Oh, love! Isn’t it wonderful? You must know each and every little spoiler… you can probably quote random lines from your favorite pop culture addiction. Must get each and every photo you can find online and save ti on your hard disk. Everything is bliss…

Then your perfect pink-colored glasses break with a silly celebrity gossip post, or an incriminating photo… or maybe an enraging statement made on the news. Your idols turns out to be a douche, or a total bimbo… or maybe a total bitch. Or maybe the other way around, as in holier-than-thou?

*sighs* fandom… what to do with fandom. xD

One response to Abusive Relationships with Pop Culture?

  1. I am so over fandom and at the same time, I can’t quit it!

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