On Gossip Detox

February 7, 2008 — 1 Comment

I’m on Gossip Detox… have been, kinda… for the past month.

My gossip addiction truly began on the month of December, when apart from Lainey’s Gossip… I began browsing through Dlisted.com, Perezhilton.com and others… I literally spent 3+ hours reading gossip… a day! LOL’ I realized I had hit bottom when I checked Perez on the news of Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant. That was rock bottom for me.

However, I am happy to say that I haven’t checked Perez in a long while! I haven’t visited Dlisted! And the only gossip I read is Lainey. Because Lainey is good at what she does… and she’s cool, and not trashy. AND, she’s got a healthy amount of gossip a day~ The best part is I only check her site for headlines and her daily post-opener, or just twice a week to see what funniness she’s posted.

Plus, Julyssa and I talk about Lainey… coz we think she’s cool. So I gotta read Lainey to be able to talk to Julyssa about Lainey’s latest riddle… and find the clues, and begin guessing. ^^

We Heart Lainey!

One response to On Gossip Detox

  1. ….. Is like a junkie saying that he does drugs cus he friends does…..

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