Heath Dead. R.I.P

January 22, 2008 — 2 Comments

Shocking and sad news =( Heath Ledger died from an O.D.

Read about it here


It’s a few hours after this broke in the news, and I tried visiting some of his fansites, but apparently 4 of the ones that appear in the first page are down. IMDb boards are saturated with Rest in Peace messages, and other forums have dedicated forums.

2 responses to Heath Dead. R.I.P

  1. tremendo shock pa mi :S tuvia sigo en shock o__O, buuuuu, simplemente wooooowww :S:S:S
    R.I.P mi kerio Heath T__T

  2. *sniff* Lainey wrote that she had a riddle bout Heath, something about a grizzly. When I get back from work I’ll try and find it.
    It feels like a family member passed, I’m so down

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