Why Fans Should Stay AWAY from Rumors

July 28, 2008 — 2 Comments

Fans… that tend to have their fan-colored glasses on should stay away from rumors. Yeah, sure… we can love reading Lainey’s celeb reporting, and opinions about Nicole Kidman… or codename Granny Freeze. LOL’ I mean, I like Kidman’s acting in films like Margot at the Wedding, which came out not long ago~~ But things like that make me snort.

But when one has their fan-colored glasses on… *cough* we should stay cleared. xD And I refuse, I REFUSE to believe the rumors I just read. You see, this is what happens when you actively search for rumors. Haha, you get punched and your fan-colored glasses suffer.

I know sometimes, most the times, we should take our glasses off and take our idols off the pedestal we’ve put them on. But it’s so hard! LOL’ I swear, it will take me 6 months… at least, hahaha. Please, let the rumors just be rumors. xD

2 responses to Why Fans Should Stay AWAY from Rumors

  1. To whom are you referring to?

  2. LOL~~
    Say “NO” to divas~~~ xD

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