I once received a comment that I thought was freaky spam from a bot, that apparently turned out to be a real person. Though I still have my doubts~~ But still freaks me out. I hate obsessive spam.
Anyway, I was checking my spam queu, and came upon a spam comment that at first read I thought was a real comment. Hahaha! I was so impressed with it that I messaged my friend and she told me she couldn’t tell how this was spam, until I showed her the last bit of message. Here’s a capture of WP’s Dashboard.
Which makes me wonder, did actress Meredith Henderson really left a message in my old old OLD website when I had the guestbook that erased itself?? I hope she did, that was a fond memory, as well as the message that ANTM Cycle 7 contestant, Megan Morris, left on my MySpace. I don’t hang around MySpace much these days though~~~ le sigh.