The Lost Tomb of Emo-Spidey

May 4, 2007 — 1 Comment

April 29 – saw The Lost Tomb of Jesus. Pretty boring and general stuff, but good to know I guess… just for general knowledge. The Church just makes such a big deal about it, it just attracts more attention. Worth a watch if you catch it zapping your TV, not worth a wait… Actually, it would make sense to have Jesus ascending to Heaven, and leaving his body <- metaphoric for dying and moving on. But, bleh. No flamers, please.

Next on the list. Spiderman 3- it came out May 3rd! I gloat because *official release date* is May 4th. Anyway, nothing really AWESOME, like some people say. Effects were good, fight scenes were entertaining, and I even got a bit dizzy on one, but 70% of the film was bleh. First, I don’t like Mary Jane much… movie 1 ok, movie 2 not so ok… now, just plain annoying. Gwen was just a bit of a bimbo, and I liked her more than I did MJ. *PLUS* – Bryce Dallas Howard looks weird as a blond blond. She’s too white, lol.

And what is up with Emo Spiderman? He gets Venom infected and he suddenly changes his hairstyle? Lol. Reminds me of the EVIL GOTH MUTANTS from X3. Not all people that dress in black and have messy hair style are EVIL. Oh, Venom~ Venom is cool, when you DON’T consider that Eddie Brock was a wimpy photographer… didn’t like the character. Sandman didn’t look as GREAT as Venom, but I guess his character was ok. And Harry… oh, Harry~ he was okay, I guess.

Biggest turn-off: Peter “John Travolta” Parker.

Best part: Jameson lines, and last final battle… when we finally see Venom.

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  1. - A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » 2007 Films I wanna see (recap) - September 8, 2008

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