I have been ruined by Jdrama xD
Can you believe it’s been three years since?
It’s probably the longest fictitious relationship I’ve ever had with anything. LOL
You can read all about it on YAM Magazine.
I have been ruined by Jdrama xD
Can you believe it’s been three years since?
It’s probably the longest fictitious relationship I’ve ever had with anything. LOL
You can read all about it on YAM Magazine.
There’s been a recent item talking about Gou’s lowering ratings, and mostly pointing out Juri Ueno’s miscasting or her lacking experience in period dramas.
Of course, I cannot form an opinion on whether Juri’s use of Japanese is appropriate for the era or not, and neither are most of us. However, I do understand why it would turn people off.
I cannot for the life of me, however, understand why would people say they don’t understand Juri Ueno playing a 10-year-old version of Gou, when for the past few Taiga dramas it’s been used. I just began watching Taiga dramas just a few years ago, and I do understand why it would throw people off. It’s weird to you, I get it.
You cannot say Ueno is miscast as a 10-year old when Masaharu Fukuyama played a much MUCH younger version of Ryomaden at the beginning of the show, Satoshi Tsumabuki played a much younger version of his character in Tenchijin, Hideaki Takizawa (Tackey from Tackey & Tsubasa) played pre-teen Yoshitsune when he was 20-something…
and obviously, Aoi Miyazaki (and Eita) played little kids early on Atsuhime, as well as playing them as 40 or 50-ish year-old people.
Also, I want to admit it. I don’t feel passionate enough about Gou. I love Juri, Asami Mizukawa and Rie Miyazawa, I do. But I’m not feeling the story. The three sisters, though they married very important people, feel like simple pawns in the story instead of being the players.
It felt different in Atsuhime.
They made Atsuhime interested in history, learning, and go strategics. She was constantly sent to places, and did things on her own to change her purpose in there. In the show, she was sent to be able to control the Shogun, to disintegrate the Ooku… yet, when she marries into the family, she sets to protect her new family. It’s conflictive.
It was engaging. It was good.
And this is me telling you I like Juri Ueno more than Aoi Miyazaki.
Plus, you don’t need to be a kid to play a kid convincingly.
You’ve named them… some of you voted multiple times, I know. And some of you only voted for one actress instead of one actor and one actress. But the votes are in. And winning, with a boost from the running of Inception on theaters, with 23% of the votes is none other than dear Joseph Gordon Levitt. Despite leading the poll at the beginning, Natalie Portman ended up with 19% of the votes with a late boost from the screenings from Black Swan… but I guess the people that saw Black Swan don’t visit the site, thus that didn’t translate into votes.
I’ve seen a better more fun Clap your Hands video. LOL
The Ting Tings is another group that I liked in… 2008? Their debut was one of my fun albums of that year, thought that’s worn out due to overexposure as well. Very much like Maroon 5, The Ting Tings’ suffered from That’s not my Name exposure… with a bit of Shut Up and Let me Go. But “not my name” was everywhere, the duo was even included in the first few episodes of Japanese drama Sunao ni Narenakute (aka. Hard to Say I Love You) earlier this year. By that time, I was already fed up.
But here they are, preparing for a new album. And their YouTube Vevo page is not letting me stream their videos, so F U. I’m posting some other source. I’m tired of them not letting me stream content.
MY85 made me realize that tomorrow is the 13th, so I decided to release this today.
Thanks to Julz, who’s always a diligent writer.
and MY85… and well, Maca who keeps tracks of her films.
Not because she’s gonna be there, don’t get your hopes up, people.
From July 1 – 16, 2010 in NYC
The following Yu Aoi related films will be there:
Otouto (About her Brother/Younger Brother)
Hyakuman-en to Nigamushi Onna (One Million Yen Girl)
joining the line-up…
Ultra Miracle Love Story (Bare Essence of Life) with Kenichi Matsuyama
Dear Doctor with Eita
Memories of Matsuko by Tetsuya Nakashima
Kokuhaku (Confessions) by Tetsuya Nakashima (also at the NY Asian Film Fest)
more films and info via Nippon Cinema.
On Kokuhaku news, there was a little get together for the release of Nakashima’s film, which opens on June 5th, with the actors and actresses from his previous films. Yes, including Miki Nakatani (Memories of Matsuko), Kyoko Fukada and Anna Tsuchiya (Kamikaze Girls).
via Japan Now.
Well, according to visitor Bill in this comment, his team is working on it.
Of course, me being one of the most vocal fans of Mikako Ichikawa — if not the most… seriously, you probably google her name and find my posts or images from the website — have been wanting to watch this since I got it. One afternoon, I tried watching it, but I felt the film was very dialog-driven, so I decided to stop the film and wait for someone to be kind enough… so thank you, Bill, for accepting my subs request.
I have seen a bunch of people, on my search for subtitles, that have been talking about the lack of subtitles for this film. Let me tell you, Mikako Ichikawa… so underrated.
Sure, she IS kinda creepy as lil’ sis Kumi in Memories of Matsuko, but in the end she wins us over with that final Okaeri — or is that just me? — as Matsuko goes up the stairs. *sighs* However, did you get to see Ichikawa as Tamaki Hiroshi’s wife in those few episodes of Atsu-hime starring more than rocking Aoi Miyazaki and lovable Eita?
Can I just say she’s got the most beautiful profile when she pulls her hair up? Such striking features, and so SO interesting. So much more than many other generic-looking and average-talented actresses that are much more popular.
So I wonder, why wasn’t this project much more popular?
Guess who’s #10 on the list of The 20 to Watch Between 25-30?
But it’s, of course, Eita!
Born in Tokyo, Japan on December 13th 1982. He might be unknown to almost everyone, unless you are already familiar with Japanese films and series, but this 27-year-old actor has proven that you should keep on watching him.
His list of films include Aoi Haru (Blue Spring), Azumi, Densha Otoko, Su-ki-da and Memories of Matsuko. Of course, Matsuko as a film works because of so many different aspects including Eita’s ability to make you want to connect with the brilliant Miki Nakatani.
Last year, Eita worked on two films that seemed to be in many of the “best of lists” in Japan, including the acclaimed Dear Doctor — by famous director Miwa Nishikawa, who wrote and directed Yureru (Sway) — as well as the seemingly popular April Bride, directed by indie acclaimed director Ryuichi Hiroki.
Add to that his recurring role as Mine on the Nodame Cantabile franchise [headed by fellow 20 to watch Juri Ueno] which sprung not only an 11-episode series, and two television special, but also two theatrical films opening on December 2009 and this month.
There is a certain softness in Eita’s aura that translates well whenever he’s on screen, making him perfect to play the sensible young man. He doesn’t even need to speak a single word, even though you probably would need the subtitles to actually understand what he is saying [unless, of course, you speak Japanese], but whenever he’s in a dramatic scene… all of that doesn’t matter. He’ll deliver the goods in a way that language would really not be a barrier.
Very few [men or women] can captivate you like this.
I’m starting out my list this week… with lack of visitor’s response.
No complaining from you then~~~
I’m gonna start out with 5 of the guys, followed by 5 of the girls like last time. Only properly.
Two months worth of films to close the year,
let’s hope 2010 brings loads of good ones…