A long long LONG time ago (actually, about three years ago), I made a rough list of Yu Aoi films I had watched and ranked them on MUBI (then TheAuteurs). Since I’m way too lazy to bother adding films to their database, unless I really REALLY wanted the films to be on their database, I’m just gonna work on the ranking here, like I started with my Russian fandom love Chulpan Khamatova.
Archives For shunji iwai
I’ve got some pretty nice recommendations to share.
I haven’t actively looked for Yu Aoi fan-made videos in a long time, but here we go~ I hope this one doesn’t get deleted, coz we’ve been suffering from that a lot lately. Regular Yu Aoi film footage applies, with nice additions of Tamatama, and Otouto… though, Raiou would have been nice to have.
Soooooo, story of my life. The Shunji Iwai Vampire interview was supposed to begin at 9pm, which means I decided to stay up all the way into 7am my timezone to catch the interview… the problem was I fell asleep well into the 30min. mark with Iwai-san arriving just a few minutes later.
So I missed the whole thing. LOL
Flavorwire.com made a video titled 135 Shots That Will Restore Your Faith in Cinema, after asking their readers what were “the most beautiful movies ever made.” The result is okay, I guess. I still don’t think that I’m as moved by Terrence Malick films as others are…
There was also some Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wai added in there, alongside Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain — which was one of my picks for most iconic movie images. xD
In any case, there was some Noboru Shinoda (and therefore, Shunji Iwai) missing. The Hana & Alice ballet scene [1], just as Love Letter, as well as EVERYTHING on Picnic [1], and every single frame in All About Lily Chou Chou — they’re all perfect. LOL
I really don’t know how I missed this trailer.
I mean, it’s got Yu-chan’s line in ENGLISH… broken English, but HER LINE IN ENGLISH. And it’s nearly a year-old video post, and I never knew. And NOBODY told me. T_T That’s the most depressing part.
I had talked with people who had seen Vampire already, and they’ve told me that Yu-chan’s part is small… but memorable (but maybe they’re a little bit biased). In any case, I’m not guiding myself by the reviews that came from Sundance because most of them… they were expecting some other movie about vampires.
I’m posting this today, because Vampire just got a Japanese release date — September 15th this year — but i can’t find an upload for that version on YouTube, so here’s a link to Wildgrounds.
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Nick, over at Anomalous Material, did his list of 13 Iconic Movie Images (for him). I thought I would share mine here since things have been a little on the weak side lately.
I dunno exactly why 13, but… it suits me fine. It gave me room to include things I wouldn’t have included in the first place. I’m surprised I cut so many from my Top10 Fave Films, but I did manage to squeeze half of them in. LOL I also set myself two rules… no black and whites, or animated films. ;O
So here we go~~~
Tony Takitani
Well, to be honest~ it’s not really an interview. More like a blurb, but still- nice to see her.
Yesterday was a good day to be a Yu-chan fan.
*cough* subs for Raiou are out.
The YAM Magazine Weibo account was flooded of Hana & Alice talk – I still don’t know why, but I can’t complain.
And Acerk messaged me with news of two stills from Shunji Iwai’s Vampire featuring Yu.
I was really excited.