K-RoK is scheduling an interview with Korean rockers Yellow Monster. Feels like something exciting~~~ Now I really REALLY need some “western-y” exclusive content like this. xD
Official welcome to Kamala-chan of K-RoK~~~ xD
K-RoK is scheduling an interview with Korean rockers Yellow Monster. Feels like something exciting~~~ Now I really REALLY need some “western-y” exclusive content like this. xD
Official welcome to Kamala-chan of K-RoK~~~ xD
Thanks to Acerk for the find, as well as user gp0patt0jp for the upload~~~
Now time to slap myself for not understanding Japanese. Major fail, Amy. Major~
It’s interesting to see that Yu Aoi’s interviews this year have been… more relaxed than before. It’s really really great to see her smiling and giggling during an interview.
From what I got, they talked about her piano playing… and her piano practicing habits before? They also talked a bit about something about English.
And of course she talks about food. I can’t be mistaken about that one xD
[iframe src=”https://www.tudou.com/v/W7EsjPNV5Sk/v.swf” width=”480″ height=”400″]
someone cares to explain the video to us? xD
— EDIT w/ on-the-go translation by Nina —
Or at least that’s what I translated Tetsuko no Heya. xD
The interview is good, we learn a bit — including two questions that some fans wanted to know, or at least that’s what your questions were about. What was her favorite role (or at least that’s what I understood when she replied), and a bit about her family… which also gave us some new photos – including this one!
CinemaCafe has an interview [jp] with Yu Aoi about Otouto — recently released on DVD and Blu-Ray. If someone could give a proper translation of it, that would rock. In the meantime… some of what I think are interesting bits.
Title of the piece is Kotoba ni Dekinai “Kankaku” ga Kanojyo o Tsukiugokasu, which seems to be something like “It isn’t the words, it’s the emotions that motivates her”.
First sub-title, Ii Deai no Renki ni Megumaremashita, which is something like “Blessed with good encounters,” referring to the people she worked with in Otouto [Yoji Yamada, Sayuri Yoshinaga, Tsurube Shofukutei, Ryo Kase], plus I see mentions of Kyoko Koizumi [from Gakuya].
GAH! I really can’t translate more, but the following paragraphs seem interesting. Like the last one about balancing work and free time. My head hurts.
Here’s some more Yu photos =D Like the intro said something about her gentle smile.
I just spent nearly 2hrs. posting this somewhere else, and I still need to email everyone. LOL
Without further ado,
I guess I can show you a little, right?
If you missed out that day, here’s what I said about the experience of interviewing Diane Warren.
I’m behind on content. Too many events this week. >,<
For the phone interview I did with her.
I’m actually thinking about it, and it seems surreal. I was so nervous, I couldn’t speak any English. I mumbled a lot – at least, it feels like it – and the interview seemed like a mess in my head. However, looking at it on paper, it’s not bad, I think.
But you know how I am, right? You ask me about something I know, and I want to tell you everything about it, so when I mentioned Bibi, and Diane (she told me to call her that) asked me about her, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. LOL But it seemed good, it seemed more of a conversation than an interview…
Diane also found peculiar that I was a Peruvian girl talking to an American songwriter about a Chinese vocalist. “How do you know a Chinese vocalist in Peru?” she asked me. That’s when the fangirl in me came out. Anyway, I’m in a short-sleeved t-shirt, and I’m freezing now at 3am. Transcript is done, and the article… at least, at the moment, has around 2010 words. And! It will show up in issue011 of YAM.
Also, don’t forget we are giving away the pop-up book Uso. by Yu Aoi. If you want to learn how to be able to enter the draw, you’re gonna have to read issue011 when it comes out next month.
There’s a very great interview with Bruno Maag about his er… dislike of the use of Helvetica. I, for one, don’t mind Helvetica as you can see, but I try to use other type when it fits. A friend of mine told me “When in doubt, use Helvetica”. I personally agree with Maag when he talks about Univers, it’s very clean and very helpful for reading. I also think that Helvetica’s quirks gives it the warmth he mentions.
Patrick Burgoyne: Bruno, where does your deep-seated hatred of Helvetica come from? Isn’t hating Helvetica pointless? It’s like air or vanilla ice cream, it’s just there…
Bruno Maag: That’s the point, it is vanilla ice cream.
My fave type is Futura, though. I like the roundy-ness xD
But when it fits, it fits. LOL
Read the whole thing over at Creative Review.
Hmm… wouldn’t it be GUERRILLA? Just saying.
Julz has decided to send me anything regarding Hyori (or Bi), and well… can’t really complain, can I? But to be honest, this Guerilla Date show scares the crap out of me. Fans in hordes scare me.
Having said that, Hyori is such a good idol. She is SO charismatic, and she’s not scared of making fun of herself — maybe that comes from hanging out so much with Jaesuk. OJO! I didn’t say she’s a great artist or performer, I said idol. She’s got so much personality, and you can’t help but keep looking.
Hyori cracked me up with talks about comparisons with Beyonce and Lady Gaga… blond wigs, and smiling with her gums. Don’t worry, unnie. Your smiling face is the best ;P