Archives For dvd

You guys really REALLY need to work on what you call “Special Features”. It’s been a long time coming, but the review I sent to of Linda Linda Linda never showed up, even though I was reviewing the material in the DVD and even making suggestions… so it was a valid write-up.

Last time I bought something in, my order included a copy for the Viz Media release for Tetsuya Nakashima’s Kamikaze Girls (Shimotsuma Monogatari) and Linda Linda Linda by Nobuhiro Yamashita.

Where to start?

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Two days ago I received my last batch of Spirit Awards screeners… which I’m almost done watching because my internet connection has been failing, so I took that time to watch some of those films, and catch up on my reading~

Anyway, I’m used to receiving screeners on white paper disc cases. They’re economic, and just easier to get and use… they don’t take extra space, and they’re easy to mail.

Obviously, a big company like Lionsgate can take it to the next level, and send their own (simple, but kinda pretty) screener for Precious. It’s all white, with the company’s name, film’s name and a “Consider This” title glossy embossed finish. Plus, they list all the categories they would like to be considered for.

The only problem I found with the Precious screener is that it doesn’t play on my bedroom’s DVD player. It does play in my computer, and in my older DVD player. I have no idea why. Over the nearly 300 DVDs I own, only 4 or 5 don’t play on my player.

The other 5 DVD screeners are for Amreeka, Anvil: The Story of Anvil, The Messenger, The Vicious Kind, and Easier with Practice — all which came on paper cases. The latter two are the only ones that list their Spirit Awards nominations, so we can actually keep an eye for them when we watch them.

In the end, how important are screeners packaging for a film? After all, isn’t it supposed to be all about the film? Yes, it should be about the film, its characters, and its story. However, it would be nice to know what we should be looking out for… be it with some small text on the DVD, or an extra paper insert, or an extra DVD screen menu with the info. It doesn’t have to be as fancy as the Lionsgate.

Indie Spirit Screeners Short Takes

Catherine on DVD?

December 30, 2009 — 3 Comments


*giggles* sorry, that cover makes me laugh.

It looks like Francophone-DVD distributor Imavision has released the first season. It seems like it’s 10 discs, but I can find no details… I mean, it looks like the first season, but it says the first part, which could be more than the first season… explaining the 10 discs and the expensive price tag.

Also, no info on subtitles or captioning.

This can be purchase through the CBC Shop Online for $59.99 CND (I suppose), at for $69.95 CND, and over at for $69.99 CND — they do free shipping (international, I dunno) with orders over $39.

They’re a bit pricey. I wonder if I should get someone to get them for me. I expect all DVD material to at least be captioned in its original language… no info here. If anyone does, share!

Love Love Love, Oh Yeah!

December 29, 2009 — 1 Comment

You know, if anyone artist deserves to make me broke, it’s Wang Lee Hom and his freaking talent. Not only is he an astounding singer, and a kick ass composer… and producer. He also plays 14 instruments, and freaking speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese and French.

To make it funny, he’s also beaten Angelina Jolie, since he has 10 adopted children from Laos.

He’s an amazing live performer, and I would kill (not literally) to see him in a concert.

Check out,

I received a notification on my email that Amazon was going to begin selling The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life: Volume 3 this week. First of all, I wasn’t aware that Volume 1 and Volume 2 were on the market. Then I read properly. It’s not an official release! It’s on DVD-R, so they won’t play on many DVD players. And they’re edited! And you gotta pay over $20USD for those volumes.

So that’s about $60 for just three volumes.
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life – Volume 1
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life – Volume 2
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life Volume 3 (2 Disc set)

Now, is that fair? As a consumer, and as a fan of the show?

No, I don’t think so.

So this is a link to the complete 4 seasons of Rocko’s Modern Life.

Daria DVD News Spazz~~~

November 21, 2009 — Leave a comment

On July, I posted this about the Daria DVD.

I just got an email update with more info, which sound spazz-tastic~

  1. It sounds as though, rather than put the episodes out season-by-season, they are looking to put the whole series out at once, including the movies.
  2. There will be goodies, though which ones, I am not sure. However, the Sarcastathons and the specials were mentioned, and it looks as though they are going through ANY footage to find superfluous Daria appearances (like on TV talk shows).
  3. The commercial bumpers will be preserved, and in their rightful places.
  4. The episodes will be from the original masters, so no Noggin jujitsu cuts.
  5. The DVDs could come out as early as spring 2010. I’m going to play it conservative and still claim that they won’t be available until late 2010. For outside of the United States, it will be closer to 2011.

Also, apparently… for licensing reasons — there will be music replacement. However, it appears that they will replace some songs with covers, so they are trying to make changes not too noticeable. As for licensing explanations, old shows that used music prominently are having issues with their DVD release because the permits they used on the original TV broadcast don’t apply when releasing the music on DVD.

New shows don’t suffer from it, because the different licensing issues are dealt when shooting the show.

via TVShowsOnDVD and DVDAria Petition.

It’s Mysterious Ways!

August 27, 2009 — 1 Comment

The year, 2000… I think.

Mysterious Ways - Season 1 - Title

Anyway, for any fans of the shows, I just found the torrent for Mysterious Ways, that Canadian (probably shot on Vancouver) show with Adrian Pasdar (who is now married to Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks) with Rae Dawn Chong (who my mother refuses to believe is Chinese, LOL) and Alisen Down (playing the geeky and awkward Miranda) – by the by, I’m pretty sure I was a Declan/Miranda kinda shipper… ~ I’m telling you, it’s all about the geek.

Also, don’t mind the title sequence. It’s a really REALLY bad title sequence, super 90’s and cheese~ xD

Anyway, I’m posting the links to the torrents because there are no DVDs… I doubt there will be any releases since it’s such a tiny show… and Canadian. Canadian programming sucks when it comes to releasing on DVD.

It’s a little over 15Gb for both seasons, but it’s worth it if you want the show. Remember, the show getting a DVD release it’s a long shot. Better download while you can. And if the torrent goes dead (and there are still no DVD releases), you can leave a message to request re-seed.

Continue Reading…

I loved Pixar’s UP. The first 15min. of the film is pure magic, so when I saw it on my Amazon recommended page, I was thrilled because I want to get it. But here’s the thing…

Since this post, they have announced a 2-disc DVD.

There’s only the single-disc DVD, and the 4-disc Blu-ray (which comes with the blu-ray, plus digital copy, plus DVD and who knows what else…) – To be honest, the $+30 price tag on the Blu-ray makes me not want to get it. Even worse because I haven’t made the switch to the format yet…

Then… the +$10 price tag on the single disc… which is ONE disc only, hardly any worthy extras. Compared that to the $20-something 3-disc DVD WALL-E version. And I’m not sold on UP. I’m sorry. If the price doesn’t go down below $15 for the single disc, I’m not buying it. I would’ve paid $20 for a two-disc DVD. What gives?

Continuing with this Blogathon (hmm… I’m finding it harder and harder to write) – I read the following post by Ulrik about Japanese subtitle distribution on blu-ray~ sad, sad indeed~

But the question is… would you buy blu-ray/DVDs with English subs?

Many of us, who watch through torrents and P2P, would probably not buy. I know a LOT of people who think they have the right to not buy a film they love – I get a little pissed when they say that. Not because they do not pay for films… but because they don’t WANT to pay for things they supposedly LOVE. I really can’t stand that.

You will always find me with little money on the wallet or my bank account (depending on where I do the buying…) because I literally spend whatever I get to cash in on the films I love (and used to be films I liked, LOL). It’s really depressing, if you think about it economicaly~ but my love for certain films make it worth the while. Really, watching films and talking about films make me forget about my surroundings hahaha.

[so please, ads my clicking. oh yes, i did again~~ LOL]

So I yearn for English (or Spanish… or even French as of lately) subtitles, so why aren’t they getting subbed? And even sadder (but not as sad as others…) – Why do some films take over six months to get fansubbed?? I worship fansubbers, because they provide something so very useful. But it would be nice to get DVDs with subs, right?

So let’s see… Hmm… I dunno if I can make it to 10 films, so we’ll see~~

The Japanese Films I’ve Bought with English Subtitles

Not including Region 1 releases
Hooray for multi-region players! Yes, because I still haven’t made the change to Blu-ray xD

  • Memories of Matsuko 2-disc Special Edition [Hong Kong]
    I bought this one right away after watching the film. I loved the film so much, that I didn’t even cared that the only version I could find online was a Region 3. This also happened to be the first Region 3 disc I ever bought. I ended up really happy with the product because everything came subtitled (including extras), and at a descent price.
  • GUU GUU Datte Neko de Aru 2-disc First Press Limited Edition [Japan]
    I have to admit. It hurt me to pay~ LOL – Specially because the Korean version is half the price, but I also must admit that I was curious to see the difference between Japanese DVDs and the rest… so this became my first ever official Japanese DVD.
  • The first Inuyasha Movie (Toki o Koeru Omoi, Affections through Time)[Japan?]
    hahaha, I know~ – I used to watch Inuyasha when I was in school. It was during those years that my friends had tried to anime-fying me, so I went to this “specialized” in anime shop in town, and bought a copy of the film. Though I’m not entirely sure now if it was a real copy or a bootleg, because to tell you the truth… it doesn’t compared to my copy of GUU GUU.
    And in the end… I bought a Region 1 copy. LOL
  • Love Letter 10th Anniversary Version [Hong Kong]
    I can’t remember right now if the Japanese was available for purchase, when I bought this. I really, really love Shunji Iwai’s work (part of the reason I want to watch New York, I Love You now~), so I just couldn’t help myself from getting a copy of Love Letter… because I’m a sap. I was slightly disappointed on this release due to some issues with the sync of subs, but I can live with that. If I come around some more extra cash, I would consider getting a better copy though~~~
  • Niji no Megami [Hong Kong]
    Truth be told… I wish this film had a better release, but since this is the only version I found with subs – this one it is! LOL’ – Again, it’s got Shunji Iwai on it as a stamp, so I couldn’t help myself. Add to that Yu Aoi and Juri Ueno. I’m lost. Plus, Hayato Ichihara is a cutie. He’s weird here, but he’s so so pretty.

Some other films, I’ve found on Region 1. But I only wish someone would release Hyakuman-en with subs – and I know they aren’t films but I would love someone would release Camouflage (this one doesn’t even have complete fansubs!) and Osen with subs. LOL

Come on WOWOW~ Get on with it! You’ve already licensed Hito no SEKKUSU as a Free Region with Subs in Taiwan! Which I’m so thinking of buying… but really, I’m more interested in getting Camouflage subbed/fansubbed… okay, and maybe Hyakuman-en.

I dunno if my wallet is, though~~~ xD

I haven’t bought anything non-Asian for… I dunno how long. xP

Bjork - Voltaic

Wow, I still can’t believe I saw Bjork live, right in front hahaha for real. Nearly two years ago~~~ *sighs* – Anyway, here’s the link where you can see the video… it does get you pumping~ WEEEEEE