Archives For big bang

via Julz email xD

Hi, there TOP? Why do you sound so much like Sean Paul? No wonder Nayeli thinks Koreans speak English like Jamaican people. Look, TOP… I love your sexy voice why do you have to go and mess it up with autotune. You can do a spoken word album, and it would sound good. LOL

Having said that. Your video looks good. You look awesome… and you being dorky kills me.

Also… you know what would have been even more killer? If you had Yu Aoi playing those drums… even a cameo would have killed G-Dragon, and you know it.

Julz reporting with these hot photos of TOP.
and I had a vision of him with my favorite Mori Girl.

Okay, I wish she looked less like a little gnome,
and hotter in par with TOP here, but oh well~

Photographs by Jang-hyeon Hong (홍장현)

Seriously, K-Pop fans… you’d look a whole lot less creepy if you decided to post photography credits. They were right there on the Vogue website! I hope I romanized the photographer’s name correctly.

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Dear AfterElton,

I love that Taye Diggs topped your list of Top10 Men of Color, and that you also included Ricky Martin. Though, I still wonder… really? Eddie Cibrian? Anyway…

I like that you tried to include 1/5 of Asians… but there’s too much Asian hotness in the world to only count Daniel Dae Kim (from Lost), and John Cho… it just makes it seem like you know two Asians in the west.

So here is a list of Asian male that I’m pimping so you could check out for future editions. I would be more than happy (and I’m sure my friend Julz would also be happy) to contribute weekly or monthly posts of Asian hotties on AfterElton.

So… in no particular order…

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From what I could gather, Kim Shinyoung is one of the MC (host) in KBS’s Invicible Youth, which I’ve never ever seen. However, I ran into a clip online, and I couldn’t help but keep on searching…

Not long ago… on December last year, Kim Shinyoung was awarded Female Variety MC Newcomer.


Not only does she stands out in a room full of celebrities… she also does pretty great dancing parodies. Just check her out as Kim Tae Woo… full on drag [she actually has the same jawline as Justin Timberlake], or doing her version of Bi’s Rainism… HUNGRISM. xD And don’t miss out her rocking version of Wonder Girls’ So Hot.
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Asian Music Round-up

March 28, 2010 — 12 Comments

27 Asian Music Albums OWNED. [One, Mirotic… thanks Julz~]

That’s like 50 regular Western music albums in price… just so you know.

Over 240 Asian Music Albums HEARD…

it’s been 2 busy years of Asian Entertainment…
and I can’t seem to stop~

musicians and idols~ I can’t hate any of them…
and they’re making me broke xD

To keep things interesting, I’ve decided to switch to the newest songs that made the best 100 songs of the decade. Just the heads up, it turned out to be very Asian. Is it trying to tell you something?

One of those examples was the Welcome to Beijing song, which had a HUGE bunch of Asian (mostly Chinese, Taiwan and Hong Kong) stars. The scale of the project is probably similar to (or even bigger than) Michael Jackson’s We Are the World song… which in its time was epic. To me, and to many Asian (and non-Asian) people who keep track of the Asian music industry it marked an important time. Not only did the Olympics opened China to the world… and the world to China, but it also felt like a huge switch on everything from basic economics, industry… and entertainment.

It’s as if Chinese musicians had been enclosed all those years while the economy started to pick up, and have exploded with a huge fireball of creativity. It’s amazing at the amount of talent coming out from there, especially now that they can upload their music through the many Chinese music websites like and, and the amount of blogs and communities that are reporting on them.

Some really awesome music, which I have already blog in this place. This is the reason, I want to get over these ones first, before I post many other songs from 2002-2006 when I didn’t blog that much (or at all).

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Best of 2009: Songs

December 23, 2009 — 1 Comment

Well I don’t think I have listened to much 2009 music, and I know there are a couple of albums that are still on my list of “want to listen” but I figured if I wasn’t rushing to get them, I wasn’t gonna fall madly in love with them.

So here is my provisional list of best 2009 songs. I’m also planning a Best Songs of 2000-2009, but that’s gonna take wayyyyyyyy longer. At the moment I have pre-selected the songs from 2000-2006 which are nearly 500 songs. I need to listen to all of them and begin taking songs out. I’m pushing for a 100 songs list.

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Been backing up stuff, so a lot of stuff seems to have dead links.
cannot think about the time to format. O.o

Just finished moving all my music (because that’s the easiest to move).
know some of them? xD teehee, predominantly Chinese and overall Asian-ness~~~ xD

iTunes - Dec 2009

KFood Does Taste Better…

November 7, 2009 — 2 Comments

After an episode of Family Outing.

I mean, a bowl of white rice with dried-spicy-caramelized squid can’t taste much better than it did, after watching sexy (or Bingu?) TOP – Hahahahaha. Also, trying to get my other friend to watch too. I think she will be hooked soon. More on that later~~~ So are we one people at a time now?

Hyori-unnie, you’re so awesome.

Yejin-unnie, I miss you!

*does Grasshopper dance* Hahahaha.

Early YAM006!

October 8, 2009 — 5 Comments

So I wanted to make some time to work on those subtitles I was supposed to work on, and today is October 8th! So it’s perfect to release YAMM006, even if we are a little ahead.


Thanks to Julz for working so hard on the cover story, and all those reviews. ^^

On this  issue we review a lot of stuff, including Inglourious Basterds, Honokaa Boy, Mother, Treeless Mountain, Big Bang, G-Dragon, Arashi, BackStreet Boys, Imogen Heap, Olafur Arnalds, Chang Shilei, Juri Ueno and the Five Bags, Mad Men… Cusco Bizarro – and we even talk a bit about Glee, Dexter and House~~~

So head over here~~~