It took a while, but

Happy 1000th fan!

If you aren’t following the list yet, you might discover a gem or two!
It took a while, but
Happy 1000th fan!
If you aren’t following the list yet, you might discover a gem or two!
I also made a [nomination] list of all my favorite foreign things of the last decade. If I had included all movies, general suspects would have applied (eg. Children of Men, Dancer in the Dark), but still remains a very ME list. I hope you like the selection, and don’t hesitate in suggesting films to watch.
I really can’t remember exactly when I started out the Top Flicks About Chicks list on MUBI, but it must have been around the same time I wrote how Chick Flicks was a doomed genre in regards of critics. So it might be almost 4 years… and I’ve finally reached 300 titles in the list!!!
A Chick Flick should center on little girls, girls, young women and women… as students, as neighbors, as friends, as daughters, as granddaughters, as sisters, as mothers, as lovers. They are simply women. With that alone, we can tell all sort of other stories that have little to do with romantic comedies.
The purpose of the list, of course, was to encompass an array of female character — not only in the binary sense, since the list also includes men/boys who identify as women/girls… and viceversa — of various cultural, ethnic, social backgrounds. Not favoring one genre over the other, not valuing dramas over comedies… just simple stories about different women.
Though I’m sure the list could be longer, that’s 300 feature length films out of the 2896 (counting shorts) currently rated on the site- that’s roughly 10% so I suppose the list could expand to up to 500 or maybe 1000 once I reach 5000 or 10000 rated films on the site.
1. Treeless Mountain 2. Welcome to the Dollhouse 3. Juliana 4. Labyrinth 5. Fuckin’ Amal 6. Mirrormask 7. Gun Hill Road 8. Pariah 9. Bend it like Beckham 10. Swing Girls 11. The Land of the Deaf 12. Sunny 13. Whip It 14. Stoker 15. Maria Full of Grace 16. Breaking the Waves 17. My Marlon and Brando 18. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days 19. Dil Bole Hadippa! 20. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 21. Kotoko 22. Violeta Went to Heaven 23. Skin 24. Raise the Red Lantern 25. Incendies
I picked 25 of the 300 films to illustrate some of the variety (I hope it’s AS varied as I intend the list to be), though I ran out of picks and couldn’t include any of the ‘older’ female characters. If I could pick 5 more, they’d be: Lemon Tree, Frozen River, Late Bloomers, Mother, For 80 Days.
Okay… Vampire is more than a meh title… but you know, even if it’s a film in English, I’m all for keeping the name as “ヴァンパイア” [VANPAIA] — but hopefully this is just a working title — LOL Because you know I’m all for Shunji Iwai and Yu Aoi in anything they might do together… but that is so generic a title.
Nippon Cinema [Bloody Disgusting, and Just Jared, without mentioning Yu…] are reporting new casting decisions for the film. Alongside Yu Aoi, Kevin Zegers and Amanda Plummer, whom I have already reported on, there will also be roles for Rachael Leigh Cook (She’s All That), Kristin Kreuk (Smallville, and is from Vancouver), Trevor Morgan (Mean Creek, Jurassic Park III), Adelaide Clemens (whom I don’t know), and Oscar-nominated Keisha Castle Hughes (Whale Rider, The Nativity Story).
I had totally forgotten this will be shooting in May, so this explains why Yu Aoi was missing from the FLOWERS premiere that other day everyone got blasted for those dresses. And I seem to be the only one who noticed.
I have always had a soft spot for Leigh Cook, even though I haven’t followed her career. I do know she was involved in a project [with Dove?] about self-esteem and body image across schools in the US. And I totally love Whale Rider, so I’m thrilled to see Hughes hasn’t stopped acting after she got pregnant.
Kristin Kreuk… I have the notion, because everyone keeps telling, that Kreuk is hot. I know. I get it, but man… her acting? I mean, how much of a suck was Chun Li?
And finally… Trevor Morgan, who has always played the bully. In my mind… I can only think of Empire Falls and Mean Creek, and he’s a bully in both, isn’t he? He’s an okay actor though.
Continuing with the warm-up!
Woohoo!! Movie count is up to 41!!
Only 7 more to go~~~ xD
First, some observations. I noticed that I’ve only listed about 70 films (counting with some really REALLY bad ones there), and I had to cut to half of those… the results are kind of very American. You agree?
I blame my cousin for this, because she watched Love Happens. Yes, she actually paid to watch Love Happens, which currently has a 16% freshness rate over at Rotten Tomatoes, and OMG I just checked a 0% from Top Critics hahahaha.
Buahahaha. Sorry, I’m still laughing.
Anyway… it reminded me about an Inside the Gold post, in which K was having trouble writing a review for Made of Honor.
Mostly, I was just getting angry about it for reasons I couldn’t understand… then it hit me. There was nothing original about the film. There was so little effort or originality that went into it, that I started to get upset that the film was even made.
That was followed by a request of Chick Flicks – of course, I added a bunch. Good and Bad, and the Guilty Pleasures, because that’s what was asked… which brings me back to now. I just got to see (500) Days of Summer, which you could say it’s one of those “hipster” films, but in reality it’s a romantic comedy. The movie is good, I liked it a lot… in fact, I can’t wait to get it on DVD xD It’s a not-a-love-story, and it’s sort of a chick flick, I think – and it’s good. So I don’t think it’s a doomed genre, there’s just a lot of crap around the genre for you to take seriously the really good ones.
In reality, Action films should suffer from the same. There’s a lot of crap action films out there that outnumber the really good action films. You can just say “oh, it’s another mindless action film.” but it still has a better tone to it than saying “it’s a chick flick.” – that simply sounds negative, without having the intention to.
I made a list of films by themes, and one of them was the “chick-centric” theme – it contained some really good films with female protagonists as mothers, daughters, granddaughters, friends, neighbors, girls, young women and women… etc, etc. – and from the 3 different themes I put together, “chick-centric” was the only one with no votes at all. So we do have a trigger that makes us think the word “chick” immediately means bad PMS mood swings, put your panties up in a bunch, and make your ovaries ache for that brooding-but-charming or geeky-but-charming hunk.
With female-centric films such as Linda, Linda, Linda – or Rachel Getting Married, One Million Yen Girl, The Guitar, Il y a Longtemps que Je t’Aime, Whale Rider, Hana & Alice… Hula Girls, Swing Girls, Kamikaze Girls~~~ or Romantic Dramas and Romantic Comedies like Shunji Iwai’s Love Letter. Perhaps American Chick Flicks should think of moving away from the frivolous girl meets boy, boy meets girl and they fall in love forever and always stories that they love to tell over and over again, and actually focus on another aspect of their protagonists lives.
A group of friends trying to make it to the school rock festival, a young woman trying to get one million Yen, a woman who just found out she’s about to die, a mother that comes out of jail, a girl trying to follow tradition in the opposite direction. Two friends who are growing up and perhaps growing apart, a group of girls trying to save their town, another group of girls who find something special in their lives, and two girls who find friendship in each other… etc, etc etc.
Hmm, it’s been half a year almost since my last talk on Films that Changed your Life Forever~~~ I took a while, because I couldn’t pick a film… and I wanted to pick one that had some significance. This is why I picked Whale Rider! I even kept the ticket!!!