Archives For salyu

A regular person would have 8 or 9 films, on this video you’ll get to see clips for 27 films (though a few of those are just blink and miss them, or just a still). I’ve seen most but 6 films, I think. I’m still looking for 1980, and JUKAI.

Plus, this is the best way to choose what Yu film you wanna watch~ xD

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”400″]

check post tags for movie info. some missing because they’re not on this blog.
by the way, Ikechan looks sooooo weird. I wonder if the movie is any good.

I just noticed I can direct link to my LivingSocial:Albums on Facebook.
Babo me~ now if only they would allow embedding…

LivingSocial Albums

5 albums in Chinese, and loads of high-rated Asian albums. LOL
You can fully check it all out here.

I just needed a reason to post Salyu’s videos. xD
Her newest PV, Extension~~~ She’s changed a lot since her days
as Lily Chou-Chou xD – you can see some of the most obvious changes after the break~
from newest to oldest…

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WOOOOOO!! A freakin’ year~~~~

Yu Aoi - Year One

Today a year ago, I was introduced to Yu Aoi’s work on Shunji Iwai’s All About Lily Chou Chou, and the Shunji Iwai-related Rainbow Song. Little did I know that the characters that interested me the most in the films were played by the same actress. Nine days later, I watched Hula Girls, and a month later I was completely hooked with Yu Aoi, and yet another Shunji Iwai film… Hana & Alice.

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Esta es la traducción de inglés -> español del artículo que escribí para YAM 003 titulado “Too Foreign for your Own Good. Please Sing in English” en el que hablo de los más recientes lanzamientos de artistas de no habla inglesa estrenando material en el idioma para entrar en el mercado.

Como el artículo es un poco largo, pueden leerlo después del break.

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So this totally slipped my mind! I got the re-issue of Breathe!!! The Lily Chou Chou album from the Lily film by Shunji Iwai. The first time you see the film is so SO difficult~~ it’s such a hard theme, and characters you just want to slap around. I was a kid not long ago, and I felt so disconnected from THAT reality… yet, the film. You go back to it, and absorb it. The visuals, the music… it’s heartbreak.

Salyu, her voice~~ I fell in love with the soundtrack. The album is an experience all on its own… perhaps more than Salyu’s other albums. It’s the film, it’s because the album is strongly connected to that reality that it works so well… perhaps, a bit poetic. It’s THAT magical. At least to me, and to all the people that had bought the first issue of the album~~~ and maybe the reason WHY it was re-released.

I just want to know, from the people that bought the first run of copies… is it the same as the re-issue? Or has something changed? Hence, the re-issue credits in the album (including a re-design credit) ~ your thoughts?

Lily Chou Chou - Salyu - Kokyu

I must have died and gone to heaven… xD I’m listening to Salyu, who just released a two-track single titled Corteo/HALFWAY, which you can download over at the Salyu LJ Community… which I just found. Heaven!

There, I also found out that Salyu’s turn as Lily Chou Chou on the Shunji Iwai film of the similar name (where Yu shows up) that sprang a double album… including Breathe (Kokyu) has been re-released. Why is that GOOD? Well, because Kokyu was totally sold out online… and it’s probably one of the finest contemporary albums out there. So now I just gotta get money to buy it hahahahaha.

CD Japan – $24.26
YesAsia – $27.25 – 2.500 Yen

Also, apparently… she also released Mercmal in THREE different editions… the regular (of course!), one limited edition with a DVD of a concert in Yohohama, and another limited edition with and extra album with her collaboration work. Call me crazy, I want just the DVD with her collaboration work, I think. I’m split! I think I want the concert more… since apparently the other only has 3 tracks? I’m not sure I want to pay +$30 for a greatest hits album… I’m undecided!!! LOL

Let’s see… has the two limited edition out of stock, and only has the regular one at 3000 Yen.
CD JAPAN has the limited collaboration edition at $32.99, and the regular edition at $29.11.
And YesAsia still has the limited with DVD edition at $40.25, the regular edition at $31.25.

I’ll leave you with the Salyu Merkmal 2009 Tour pics. Wish she’d come here xD

For some of Salyu’s discography, check this post.

Me @ J-MELO Site

February 22, 2009 — Leave a comment

xD – Just found me, while looking for times at the NHK Premium website – yes, ‘coz I still haven’t figured out if I will be able to see Yu talk about that book I mentioned posts behind… – not sure it will air in NHK Premium. What I did find, however, the times that Top Runner airs~~~

Wednesdays 6am GMT-5 – if you recall… Top Runner had Yu a while back. Check back on it here.

But yeah, on the J-MELO business… I emailed them once to thank them for the Miyavi introduction, as well as the Kobukuro one~~ And being the geek that I am, I sent a picture coz there was a field~ xD – I wonder if they ever read my email on the air… hahaha.

Me at the J-MELO website gallery~

, but need to share this. LOL’


Thank you, Nate… for poking my eyes on the voodoo dolls you’ve got stash away. Yes, we’ve done YAM. Please, help yourself to some YAM for Xmas over here

Hope you enjoy.

Best of 2008!

December 17, 2008 — 3 Comments

So… it’s only 2 weeks short of the new year, and yet another list of what was good this year~~ Though, I’m considering of not doing 2008 stuff, and just focus on things I found in 2008 instead.

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