Archives For performance


Freaking bouncers… *note to self* always kick around to get a photographing wristband so bouncers don’t bug. I went to shoot Brett Anderson last night, and well – I actually had never heard of him before I heard he was coming over.

It was pretty good… though I liked the guitarist better. LOL – He was a great subject tonight, and his shots are some of my favorite of the night… which is running long. I really need to go to sleep, but I wanted to post the set =D

I’m sorry I couldn’t get a clear shot of the drummer… no lights pointing at him whatsoever!

and~~~ I dunno why I like this shot so much. xD


Norway? Really?? Look, I think fiddling is cool [just look at Mairead from Celtic Woman doing The Butterfly], tiny as she is… she totally pawns this Alexander Rybak dude. So I took the time… REALLY, watched ALL the entries… some where good others were just AWFUL… case and point, Bulgaria. How can Bulgaria do that after having Elitsa Todorova with Stoyan Yankoulov and the song Water in 2007’s contest?

And just to get this out of the way… Sweden, Malena Ernman could totally beat me up with those muscles. LOL

Who I thought was the best? In not a mainstream way…

Slovakia – Kamil Mikulcik with Nela Pociskova – Let Tmou

Who are the rest? And who seem to be mainstream good?

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Because I didn’t. I don’t watch awards for music (anymore) other than Grammy, and MTV… and I am doubtful I consider MTV any worth now. However, I read enough headlines on the past American Music Awards to make me curious… so did you watch? I saw 6 clips of the performances…

  • Christina Aguilera
  • Taylor Swift
  • New Kids on the Block
  • Jonas Brothers
  • Sarah McLachlan & Pink
  • Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah & Kathleen Battle

I do like Christina Aguilera, in fact, I love Back to Basics as an album. I don’t think her “greatest” hits was either great (like the writer for Entertainment Weekly) or sucked (like Lainey said) – It was neither here nor there… though the performance of each song was ok, the medley was disaster. O.o

Another medley disaster was New Kids on the Block. LOL – and I do sing along to Steps by Steps or the Right Stuff, so I’m not a hater. I like Jordan Knight solo stuff, as well as Joey McIntyre… but new NKotB smells like middle age crisis. They are still trying to sell it to teens, while telling us NKotB has matured. Doesn’t reflect on the music…

LOL, don’t even get me started on the Jonas Brothers. This is the second live performance I see of them and I’m still unimpressed.

Sarah McLachlan and Pink was good, as was Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah and Kathleen Battle, though I felt that Kathleen Battle didn’t mix well with the whole feel and number, even if she has a voice.

Taylor Swift, however, I was actually kind of impressed. I haven’t had the chance to hear or review Taylor’s sophmore album, just her debut which I thought was kind of decent. Then I heard her speak in an interview and lost the little respect I could get from hearing her music, but this is the first time I see her performing… I was sort of reminded of Faith Hill. *blasphemy!!* xD

White Horse is a pop country-ish ballad that faintly reminded me of Faith Hill’s Fireflies… talking about fairytales and real life, I still need to give a listen to both songs back to back to really know what I’m talking about, but Swift reminded me of Faith Hill in that AMA performance. OJO! Just faintly reminds me… Faith Hill has a voice so powerful… Swift’s voice still needs maturing, she sounds more like a chill studio Avril Lavigne at the moment, but if she goes the right way, I can imagine her in 15 years with a really powerful voice… and better stage presence… you gotta admit she looked a little bit nervous standing there…

Marit… but I want more. xD

Are you listening to Marit’s songs? She just released This is Me, This is You on her MySpace, and there’s a new video…  Marit Larsen!! Sin nya singel!! xD “I’ve Heard your Love Songs”

Kawaii desuNE! xD

VMA’s still on, and Pink just performed So What, which I dig. I actually own all Pink albums, even the first one, and I know that Pink pumps the audience good, just didn’t feel the performance tonight… Best of the night though, up until now.

Now, onto rumblings… Britney WON! She actually won a Moonman, which my dad was sure she wasn’t gonna do, and he was left flabbergasted. LOL – Anyway, I actually don’t care for any of the nominees… actually, dunno who’s nominated so I’m kinda going with the flow. xD But Britney won! Yes, I was also surprised, as I thought Katy Perry was gonna win and all…

Why the hell did MTV cut to commercials when The Ting Tings were performing? WHY! And they should really think about changing the category names from such as Best Female Video to Most Popular Video by a Female, because it’s hard to believe that a video by Jordin Sparks could win a spot in the nominees, instead of a Bjork’s video.

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This might be old news to some, but it’s news to me… and the more people blog about it, the better~ I just read over at Marit’s MySpace that her 2nd studio album as a solo is almost done and that it will be called “The Chase”. The first single is already up on her profile, and it’s called “If a Song Could Get Me You“.

I love her music! So head over there and give it a listen if you haven’t heard her music~ Such a fusion of magical sounding pop with a folk countrish vibe. She’s got an innocent sweet soudning voice that mixes well~~ xD And you know, her last album (her solo debut, “Under the Surface”) was great… and even too short an album! Whenever I put it on my disc player, I have to repeat it at least 3 times. xD

Anyway~~~ to top it all off, Marit has also posted 3 home-made video versions of the song… one on the train, the other on a green grocery store, and one last walking through escalators in a subway station.

Sarah Brightman was the sh!t performing… Okay, Liu Huan sang pretty good too, but the attire, man~~~ He was so underdressed – Brightman, on the other hand, was STUNNING. The song is oh so very Chinese feeling ballad, betcha it’s not for everyone’s taste, but I betcha people are looking for lyrics…

Bear with me! First pinyin lyrics, EVER. I’ve got a secret tool, will post on that later! I’ve also got videos to post~~ The Live performance, and the official music video (aka [MV] or [PV])… pick you poison and begin singing.

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OMG, Are you watching? Countries are showing up at the moment. I woke up at 6.30am to watch at 7am. And did the Chinese disappoint? No, they didn’t~~ The Chinese did not disappoint with their first hour. All orchestrated by Zhang Yimou, it was the stuff (suck it up, Spielberg… suck it up.) – Yes, love Zhang Yimou’s visual style… flying performers, lights~~~ LOTS of lights, people with lights on their clothes, projections… human-Chinese-painting…. that was amazing!!! The loads of drummers, the dancers, the giant canvas… the representation of the Road of Silk, the calligraphy, the Taichi demonstration with the uber cool banners with digital displays in synched with the movements of the choreography. The human Bird’s Nest stadium surrounding Lang Lang… the stuff~~

If I find a digital file, will do captures~~~ *EDIT* (12.36pm) video should hit the net soon~~~

And the rumors of Jay Chou with Celine Dion? Dunno… I was super surprised to see Sarah Brightman and Chinese singer Liu Huan singing You and Me. Maybe Jay and Celine will sing later on. We will see~~

Could you have imagined a duet between Sarah Brightman and Faye Wong??? Orgasmic performance of eclectic energy that would’ve been, would’ve taken you to the Ether~~~ Sarah Brightman singing was the hotness, she looks so young, and her voice was so powerful. And was she singing in Chinese? *scribble: must find lyrics and song*.

Word has it that Brightman is the sole international star performing in the event, so that would mean Celine and Jay was just a rumor, or that Jay will be holding it on his own.

Stay tuned.

Holy crap! Did you see???? Did you see the final race for the Olympic flame????? DId you see the digital projection of the race above all?????? How awesome was the igniting of the flame? Like a super gigantic firework *WOOSH* and then all the fireworks.

China delivered, China was the shit to watch today. Craziest, fanciest, exhuberant Olympic Opening EVER. Art, art, art, art *SWOON* – Now… London’s got tough competition. LOL Beijing Olympics are just beginning, but will London deliver next????? Could they deliver more?

I found photos! Nifty photos than the ones being used by the press~ xD
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National Geographic article here.

I wonder if Nat Geo Latin America will broadcast Live… coz I wanna see on my tv. Anyway, there’s also a link where you can watch the webcast (here, I think) – You’ll need Quicktime.

Concert begins at 7pm-12 Reykjavik, Iceland GMT time… meaning GMT -5 in Peru Time, 2pm

Justin Timberlake - HBO - Future/Sex Love/ShowIt’s 1hr. into the Justin Timberlake, FutureSex/LoveShow Concert on HBO Latin America. You can guess by me writing. Not enjoying it too much. Rock Your Body just began… looks promising, more on that later.

The concert began slow with FutureSex, and shortly interrupted by a black screen, and Like I Love You/My Love – that one number was good. Exciting,but then the show went down the drain for me. Can’t really say I enjoy much JT’s ballads… the whole playing instruments part is kinda nifty, but let’s just say I’m not paying to see him play any instruments… well, I’m not paying. But I wouldn’t go to his show to see him sit on his squeaky-bum… I wanna see some jumping around, and sweat… loads of breathless chorus with some playback on.

So, Amy’s not big on the whole slow jamming Timberlake does, and Rock Your Body begins, but doesn’t deliver. The next guitar-driven JT ballads are kinda alrite to listen to, snorted a bit on the whole Nsync back-in-time Gone performance, and I still think Justified is a better album than FS/LS.

If you enjoyed the whole FutureSex/LoveSound album, there’s a chance u might like this show. However, I’m one of those who just enjoyed about 5 songs of it, I’ll just stick with the downloads… not worth my DVD $$. I can live without having this in my collection, and can probably live without being in one of his concerts. Besides, JT’s got enough $$, so he won’t mind me I bet…

Anyway… loads of “ohhs,” “ooh!,” “ahhh,” “moan moan,” lick a finger over here… have a drink there, have a thrust “whoa…” how about a little rub ooh! I’m freaky, ask Julyssa if you want xD I need me some innocent sounding pop music…

Image of the concert, totally cool. Dig the giant screens where you can see JT’s giant face and the giant spirits of gospel chorus. The band was good, JT’s voice… hmm, not on the plus side. Dancing wasn’t too cool either… random shots on random bimbos not knowing lyrics to the songs, totally snort-worth. Backstage camera? I dunno…

Visuals: 4/5
Voice: 3/5
Dancing: 3/5
Music: 4/5

Overall: 14/20